I went to the Union County music festival with my sister and her husband recently. I had a wonderful time. Had to take a train to meet up with them in New Brunswick to get there.
I'm terribly sick of mass transit, it's more unreliable than I am! It's late or early... or it doesn't come at all. I was supposed to meet them at 1:00 but a freaking freight train had to use the tracks I needed to use to commute. That made me very late. It all worked out though. Here's pictures.
That man (up there ----
^^^) was playing with some kids tossing a stuffed cow around. Dad? Uncle? NannyDude? No idea. Wonderful beautiful thing.

This little boy was so cute. He was climbing all over his Dad. Too funny. (I used to play "Hop On Pop" when I was little) The kid tried to escape at one point... looking around, looking and looking at all the things going on. Amazed by everything! Wide eyed and beautiful. It's times like that when I wish I had a child. Not a good idea though. I can barely take care of myself and the cat.
He crawled about four feet from his Dad, looked back and realized he was all alone in a strange place... Waaa!! Daddy scooped him up right away and gave him hugs. Mom too. Awwww.

A urinal. How pleasant. I take pictures of all sorts of strange things. I wanted to capture me actually peeing but I couldn't manage it, I
really had to go. This was taken right after I peed!
These were some of the nicest portable toilets I have ever seen! They were clean, had toilet tissue and hand sanitizer as well! Such luxury! Gimme a fouton, a mini fridge and a microwave and I'd be all set!!! Uh oh. I'd need a shower too... and heat... and air conditioning. I guess I could possibly bathe in the lake...

It looked like this most of the day. Slightly ominous. That man was terribly cute. I have a shot where his butt is kidna showing... Hmmm.
This one will have to do.

I don't feel like finding it. I don't feel like cropping this either. Live with it. This is a nice shot of what it was like all day. Family, friends, everyone having a very nice time.
Everyone was civil, polite, courteous. Nowadays, I'm so amazed when I end up somewhere and that happens.
Kids having fun... adults getting along... everyone playing nicely. I had a great time. I also got terribly sad though. It reminded me of the family outings we used to have when I was young. When everybody was happy... well, mostly happy, they were happy or hid the problems well... or they were nutz. Most of my family is nutz. I'm not right either.

My Sister is there in the haze with her Husband. They're normal-ish. Most of the rest of us are abnormal in some way. It's a good thing and a bad thing. There's no way to explain it properly.

That's Ed from the band "Live" on the big monitor thing.
<---- That's my Sister freezing to death. It got so darned cold.
As always.... Here's
It is all about me you know. It was cold. Very cold. I'm wearing three shirts and the jacket there. I look like an idiot too.