I couldn't get anybody to go with me. They thought it would probably be stupid. Since the theatre is within walking distance, I said to myself, fuck you all, I'm going anyway. I shall go by myself.
It was their loss. This thing was pretty freaking cool. I called people during the intermission and told them what they were missing.
It certainly was a sight. Being the pessimist I am I expected some sort calamity to occur... not that I wanted such a thing to happen. It could have though...
The man in the spinning wheel thing... that was insane. He jumped through the thing in all sorts of ways and made it spin like you would not believe. I really did expect the whole contraption to fly into the audience. The hamster wheel in that picture is something different, it was on stage though and it was mobile.
Seeing this sort of thing on television is one thing, but seeing it live is a completely different thing. What these people did was amazing. Even the overweight man who was built like me... He was bouncing all over the place! WTF?!?! How does he do that?!?!
He jumped through a flying hoop one of the spinning trapeze girls flung at him as she jumped off of it. The whole thing was darned cool.
I liked the little old ladies I was seated next to. The two of them.... "Oh My God!!!" "Oh My God!!!" "Oh My God!!!" The whole time. I was thinking the same thing but I didn't vocalize it.
There really isn't a way to describe this whole thing. There isn't. I had a nice time.... I wish somebody would have come with me!!!Oh, oh, oh! The men. Can't leave that out. OMG. Since they're doing all these insane gymnastic stunts, they're gorgeously built. It takes a lot of stamina and training to do what these people were doing. Even the overweight guy had nice legs and a great behind.
I even considered going straight for a brief moment! If I could manage to get with a woman who could do the things some of these girls did... I just might! The one girl wrapped her legs around her head. Then when the flexible people got together and did tricks... How the hell do they do that?!?! It was amazing.
It was a really freaking cool show. My description cannot do it justice.
Here's some video I found on the net. The video doesn't do justice to what I saw... and I'm assuming they took that. It was... Really something. Even the three guys on the trampoline. Bouncing up and down, sideways and slantways, back onto what had to to be some sort of rather wide scaffold they were jumping from.
Even the girl with all the hula-hoops was really cool!