Friday, March 27, 2009

Mid Morning Snack

One of my co-workers emailed me a few weeks ago. "Hey! I want to try these! See if you can find them!"

Always up for a bit of challenge, I found them. My package from Thailand arrived yeserday. I wanted to see her eat them!! I couldn't be a wimp and not eat them as well. I went first. We ate them this morning during break.

We had an audience of course. Everyone was completely grossed out.

They didn't taste like anything to me, just crunchy gross-ness with no flavor. I couldn't bring myself to eat the whole cricket. I just couldn't.

I give you Bag of Mixed Bugs!!!

"This bag contains 5 popular edible bugs including bamboo worms, silk worms, big crickets, mole crickets and buffalo dung beetles. The insects are collected fresh and then quick frozen, cleaned, dehydrated, seasoned and then packed in a special vacuum pouch with an oxygen and moisture absorber. These insects can be eaten straight from the bag. Ingredients: Mixed Bugs, Natural Flavouring, Salt."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Armed and Dangerous

Don't even ask. It would be too hard/strange to explain.

I had to take 20 or so pictures to get that one. I almost cut my fingers off.

I like it. I look slightly dangerous.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Strange Advertising

Have you ever seen one of those strange advertising campaigns?

The kind that leave you thinking...

What the FUCK was that?

I just did.

I have no idea what the whole point of it was.

It made no sense at all. What the hell?

Monday, March 2, 2009


It started to snow last night. I think the original forecast was for 6 to 8 inches. They raised it to 8 to 12 inches. This is looking out my front door at 1:00 am.

Here's the same view at around 7:30 am this morning. It's still snowing there.

It looke like 3 inches to me. Some parts of south NJ are reporting 10 inches. Schools are closed. Everyone is in a panic. What the hell is wrong with people? It's snow, just be careful...

Just because you have a 4 WD SUV doesn't mean you can drive 60 mph. Don't drive 5 mph either. Idiots.

I have a 2 hour delay for work today, my ride got the day off, so I'm taking off as well. I'm not trudging back and forth to get there... the busses won't be running on time either... and I'm not gonna make my poor father take me in and pick me up.

More snow is on the way! I hope it melts tomorrow. I hate snow.

Even Regulus got some snow for a change! He could have had mine if it was up to me. I don't know how much he got. His snow is heading at me.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Too Much Information redux

A conversation.... with my mom.... this is my end of the conversation.....

You know why she was able to move? Guess. No, not me. When was the last time I gave YOU money? I'll give you three guesses and a hint. She got the money from the man who can't afford to give it to her. He lent her money for a new tire. He needs her help. He needs a ride here and there. I know that, that's why he lent her the money. Fair trade? Not really.

Now she still owes him, borrowed more from him and used what she managed to scrape up as a deposit for her new apartment. That's not right. His washer broke. She told him to go to the fucking laundromat MOM! HOW THE FUCK WAS HE SUPPOSED TO GET THERE?

IT TOOK ME THREE FUCKING MONTHS TO GET DAD TO GO LOOK AT HIS WASHER!!! It took Dad less than 15 minutes to fix. They spent more time yapping back and forth than dad spent with the washer. He had no washer for THREE FUCKING MONTHS. He had to go over *****'s to do his laundry. Then he's stuck there all day, It's not like he can walk home, the blind man is gonna walk ten miles? It would be forty dollars for him to take a cab from there!! You know he's not going to go off on her. You know he doesn't like her, she's a screwball mom! She's also off her medication. Again.

Everybody has known for weeks that he needed his prescriptions. Did anybody pick them up? No. Can you guess who went and got them? Mom, don't be stupid. You know who picked them up. You know I love him.

They can't even manage to pick him up food. Bring the man a piece of fruit or two! A couple of cans of fruit cocktail for God's sake! He needs cat litter once a month or so..... do they bring him any? NO.

I just brought him stuff, in a stolen car and took him to 7-11. No mom, it wasn't really stolen, you know the deal, borrowed without explicit permission is more appropiate. You know who let me drive her car.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you so much Bryan! How much was it?" and he paid me. I didn't charge him for the things I decided he needed. He's going to need them and nobody is going to think to ask if he needs them. Do they think? Do they?

He needs his insulin to stay alive. You'd think they'd care about that. No, they don't. Still the same people they always were. She's insane and the other one is still self absorbed and selfish.

What? Is it my turn now? I can barley take care of myself!!! You know what a mess I am!! I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm far from it, you know that. I know he's using his disability as an excuse to avoid other things. Mom. I'm Not Stupid.

You know damned fucking well he doesn't want to be like this. Have you seen him break down and cry like I have? It's not crocodile tears. I don't think he'd do it in front of anyone but me. He hurts terribly and there really isn't any way for him to fix his life. You know he didn't plan this or do it on purpose.

Do you know who just got out of jail? AGAIN. Guess who has Hep-C! What the fuck was he up to before he was with her? What the hell is he up to now? He doesn't work. I guess jail is better, he get's free healthcare!

The End.

That was too revealing. Gotta stop there. No, I wasn't going for drama there. That's what it's like. The only "normal person" I know is my sister.... and that alone makes her abnormal.

I really didn't need to know my mother was running around naked on the same beach fronts as Regulus. That's Icky.

Somebody please come kill me now. Painlessly and quickly please.

Too Much Infomation

I just got off the phone...

My mother has become a nudist. I didn't need to know that. (We have some strange conversations now that we're all grown)

She just spent her vacation with Regulus!!!! ... sort of, they were in the same place, the same time.

Oh! The HORROR! My mother running accoss some beach naked and tripping over Regulus while he was covered up hiding from the sun!

I think they'd actually like each other. The naked part would be odd though.

I don't think they met, in any way, shape or form. If they did I hope mom wasn't running around naked with her boyfriend!!!! I do know that mom has enough sense to not go running around naked everywhere.... but still, Ewwwww!!!