Thursday, December 21, 2006

I feel pretty!!! A Christmas Warning.

Look what I got for Christmas! Kinda neat in a sort of dorky way huh? It's electric so it's sort of eco-friendly (the electric has to come from somewhere though right?) That's the full size adult model. Cool! I can use it to go here and there. I don't actually go anywhere really, it's just what I needed! That's my scooter and my iPod is on the seat.

Well, these things go pretty darned fast and don't steer well at all. I took a corner going too fast and ended up in the opposite lane, the choice was to hit the oncoming car head on or hit the brakes, swerve and hit the pavement.

I thought the pavement a better choice. If you got your kids one or know someone who did... be a pain in the ass busybody and stick your nose into their business.

These things are not safe, not at all... and you know kids, they'll do exactly what I was doing, zoom along too fast with no safety gear.

Even if they have the gear they'll most likely take it off at the first opportunity. Sure, if you/they're on one of the miniature ones you don't have as far to fall but they still go almost as fast. I'm ok. I didn't injure anything vital. I should have went to get stiches in my chin but I didn't. I broke a tooth, hurt all over and look like hell. This is what happens when you hit asphalt going roughly 17 mph (God I'm so stupid, and I'm a grown man. I know better).

I stopped to take pictures besause I was already bleeding to death and there were four people dashing about from house to house gathering medical supplies. I figured wtf, I shall document this. At one point one of my friends had half my head wrapped in gauze because nothing would stop bleeding. No picture of that though.

It isn't the brakes, they work fine. It's poor design overall. Look at it, that thing only has 16" tires and in my opinion the angle for the whole steeering 'colum' is wong. It's straight up and down. It needs to be at a bit more of an angle. I could have taken that corner at that speed on a bike no problem. It came through unscathed, so did the iPod.

No, I wasn't drinking, talking on my cell or being an idiot fooling with the iPod while riding, it was in my inside coat pocket on random shuffle, at low volume. I only had one earpiece in.

I though did not fare so well. Here's my face day two. Most of my body looks like this.

I look a tiny bit better on day three. The black eye, brusing and redness are moving and changing. I should get naked and show you the rest of it, but my face is bad enough. I never was one of them pretty boys anyway.


Arcturus said...

oh, dear ... i am sorry to hear this ... i've had -- not at that speed -- a situation or two similar in that it was either hit somebody or crash the bicycle and i chose the latter. of course, you can always go back to aug. or sept. and read my account of hitting 7-year old jeremy from chicago right in front of the white house on my bike ...

did anyone help you?

Anonymous said...

Of course nobody helped me. There was nobody there to help... other than the car I avoided. Had there been, I probably would have told them to fuck of anyway.

Fortunatly I was about 1000 feet from my house when this happened. I drug my bleeding injured self home and called my Dad.