"Sure you hate to see them in your socks or making a B-line for that pizza crust crumb you forgot to sweep up. But let's give credit where credit is due. Ants are amazing. Ants can lift up to 20x their body weight! They have two stomachs and three eyes! They also have uncanny communication skills and amazing abilities to work together to achieve a common goal.
AntWorks is based on a 2003 NASA Space Shuttle experiment to study animal life in space and test how ants successfully tunnel in microgravity. The AntWorks Gel (Non Toxic) is complete with nutrients to promote healthy growth in the new colony. Watch ants live, work and tunnel in the nutritious and non-toxic gel as they create series upon series of intricate tunnels. The included LED illuminator acts as your Antworks base and when plugged in will shine four bright blue LEDs up through your torquoise gel. The ultimate nightlight is upon us! (120v). Easy to care for - Ants need NO food or water. ANTS ARE NOT INCLUDED! However, there is a form included where you can order some ants for delivery via mail."
Of course I ordered one from the actual company an paid extra for the one that actually comes with ants included in a vial. Maybe I'll try to name them all and talk to them. People think I'm crazy anyway.
How fucking cool! I want one!
I'm going to go check Antworks out.
You changed your blog? I hope it wasn't drastic cause i don't know what you did???
Just scroll up and down. Maybe you'll notice. Nothing exciting happened. I really just moved things from another place I sometimes dwell to here.
Did i leave a comment? fuck I don't know...anyway I noticed you had a new post stuck in the middle there. Hey I have a funny meme over at my blog. You should check it out. & leave a comment, hint hint. you gotta get out more!
The ant farm is so intriguing, but I have to make a decision 30.00 + shipping for an Ant farm Or 34.00 + for 24 audio lectures on Medieval Europe. Hmmm, the black plague or ants. ????
You could always buy a few rats from a breeder and import some fleas. Plague galore!
I'll stick w/ the blue ants myself. They're already on the way... at least that's what the email said. The tracking # told me naaaaaaathing.
I'm so excited for you! Blue ants? I've never heard of blue ants. You must tell all about it, when they arrive.
Funny thing about rats. We are a rat loving family. Lab rats that is. My oldest daughter got us all hooked on them. They make great pets. Once you get past the tail. They are very loyal & they never bite! Unlike nasty gerbils & hamsters.
I doubt the ants are actually blue. The gell you know. It sats you can stick your regular garden ants on it. (somewhere or other)
Don't get me started on gerbils and hamsters. Nasty biting smelly carnivorous creatures. If you must have one... just have one.
Get a dozen ants and name them all Bruce.
It works with guppies.
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