Well, it sucked.
Overall it actually kicked ass and rocked my socks off..... but I am so fucking very disappointed like you would not believe.
It was 2 bands plus CM. The first was a metal band, no idea who, but they were very good and kicked ass. Next was Hinder, another metal band. I like them, one of those bands I never bothered to figure out who they were even though I liked what I heard. They rocked.
Next was CM.... Then Hinder came out and played more and rocked the roof off the place. 30.00 for 2 tickets and a fucking kick ass show that I enjoyed very much. I'm still very disappointed....
I bought Mouth tickets. I didn't buy tickets for THAT. Don't get me wrong, it was a really awesome show..... but.....
Mouth came out in the middle and did 5 shitty songs from the new album and that was it. They were gone. Not one Mouth song anyone would care about..... and how can you call it a Cowboy Mouth show when there is only one of the actual band members on the stage?.... and I'm not even sure of that. Awful, Awful, Awful. The rest of it was really damned good though! :-)
This is the giant insane escalator inside "The Showboat" Atlantic City. It goes from the casino floor up "level two" where you get into the concert hall. This thing is largest single escalator I have ever personally experienced. I think it's even larger than it looks here, but that could just be me. Escalators bother me, even small ones. They never used to. I've developed this "vertigo" thing now that I'm *cough*older*cough. They make me dizzy.
I didn't have a problem with escalators or heights untill I was about 33 years old. Heights are only a problem sometimes really. When I was younger and much stupider I climbed an abandoned water tower and wandered around the catwalk in circles for about forty five minutes, taking in all of the wiew. This is the view on the giant escalator. Kinda neat. I only rode the stupid thing because I knew what a cool picture it would make (I've ridden it before). I know where the elevator is and there have to be stairs somewhere.
Around 4:30 am I decided I needed to get out of that darned casino/hotel. I'd been inside that building for about 14 hours at that point. I needed air and sky and beach. I grabbed a few necessary items and threw them in a bag.
I spent the next 90 minutes wandering the boardwalk. It was in the mid 20's I think. I swear it must been 10 with the wind chill. It felt great for the first hour. I was wearing a jeans jacket (a very flimsy one too)... on my walk back, five minutes away from the hotel I was cursing myself out for being such an idiot. I couldn't move my hands (I could barely move anything).
Some asshole was crusing me while I was out there. I don't mind the occasional look or glance. I find it flattering. This person was a bit rude about it. I'm glad he just followed me at fair a distance and only made lewd suggestions. He never got closer than 30 feet. He went finally went away. He probably thought I was a prostitute.
Here's some pix. I would have taken more but I was so darned cold. This the Showboat at night. House of Blues concerts are held inside. That's the pretty side. My friend and I were in the ugly square tower.
Here are a couple of beach pictures. I like the one with the reeds. If you can't see these I'm sorry. I can't see them on my pc. I looked on two others and they're not the blackness I see on my personal one.
On the way home I caught another view of these. I never think to get a decent picture of them. These appeared about 2 years ago I think. 5 Giant windmills. Each one has 3 huge propellers to catch the wind. They help to generate electricity for Atlantic City and neighboring Brigantine. I wonder what it's like to stand beneath one. I thought of Arcturus as we drove by, they aren't "transmission towers" but they are an item of interest. They are transmission towers of a sort I guess, they're making electricity.
Here's a picture I found online. I don't go there that often but I've never seen it looking like this. Must be road construction. (Now, if I did this right you should be able to click on the picture and it will take you to a press release about the windmills should you care about such a thing)
Oooh! It works! Go Me! :-) Simple pleasures.
I have a new face! What the hell was I thinking? Can we say "Midlife Crisis? Believe it or not it didn't hurt. The first one is how it looked after I had it done and how it will look eventually if my face doesn't fall off. The second one is how it looks now. Not pretty.
Ok, that's it. Be nice to one another.
Did you actually do any gambling while there?
Re. the wind turbines, there is one of those on Hull Island in Boston Harbor. I only know that because I always see it whenever I fly to Logan Airport. Finally, I got my friend who used to live there (the guy Joe in one of my photos) to drive me out there.
Standing underneath it is quite jarring with the whoomp! whoomp! whoomp! the blades make. I've no idea how much electricity it actually generates.
Sorry you didn't like the concert. I've only been to Atlantic City once -- and I'm from New Jersey.
Some guy followed you around in the dark & cold making lewd comments? that's creepy. i didn't know that happened to guys.
Arc: I know where you're from. Like I said previousy, it must be something in the water. Im still here drinking it.
I loved the concert overall. It Kicked fucking ass! You need to like that sort of music though. It just wasn't really CM though... and only 5 shit songs. *sigh*
Yes, I did gamble. I never spend more than $50 usually only $30. I only play slots and I usually win three times what I put in. This time I put in $30 amd won $3 back. I think gambling is stupid.
I kind of thought those turbines must be jarring underneath. I'd still like to stand under one.
L>T: Yes, he certainly did. He followed me for 1/2 an hour. That's one of the reasons I was out there in what must have been 10 degree temps for so long, I didn't want the weirdo following me back to where I was staying.
It didn't really freak me out, I'm often out and about at unusual hours like 4:30 am. That's the kind of person you tend to bump into and they're mostly harmless if you just act like you don't realize they are there. I'm used to it.
I have no idea what he looked like but that certainly is no way to approach a person. Some of his lewd comments actually sounded OK. At one point he offered me $200 to just suck my dick. "Hmm. I have a condom in my wallet. I could let him do that maybe. No. He's a fucking gross freak, whatever he actually looks like."
There's a right way and a wrong way to cruise a guy. That was the wrong way. If he had any intelligenge he would have sat on a bench looking towards the beach, complained how cold it was and tried to talk as I went by.
I still probably wouldn't have done anything with him but I might have stopped to talk.
Can I fuck your tight ass is not a good opening line.
Yes, L>T It happens to us boys too. I'm not even a cute one. Creepy? Yes, it was very much so.
More info than you needed huh? lol
Acually, it was enlightning.
Too bad you couldn't of took his 200 bucks & bit his dick off! :)
A perv. by any other name stills smells like a perv., Huh?
He probably didn't have $200. Ewww. I didn't think of that untill now. He probably did smell.
Ha ha! perv & smell. It just goes together.
Do you mean to say, he would just offer you $200, pay you 1/2 up front & after the deed was done, not have the rest of the money?
I wouldn't have gone for that either. This person was obviously mentally unstable.
Oh, and it's not like I actually do that sort of thing. If he had approached me in a proper fashion and wasn't too gross I might have considered it. I haven't "been with" anyone but myself for about 15 years now. A BJ might be nice.
I did do it once... sort of. Some freak offered me and the guy I was dating $100 just to watch us have sex. All he did was watch. I was about 18, supporting myself, living in baiscly a crack house and making about $70 a week working at a fried chicken place.
That 100 was real nice. We had a cheap steak dinner out, $15 each and split the rest. I paid my rent for the next month and got myself lots of macaroni and cheese.
This was also long before all those little cameras there are now. There was no way he filmed it. He just sat there fully clothed.
And Yes!!!! Betty White actually DID say that! Can you imagine? lol
Oh dear. My whole world has turned upside down.
you are kidding right?
yikes! i sure wish i could help.
Help? Help with what? I hope you aren't offering BJ's to strangers on the internet. lol I'm fine, I like being single. Nobody to answer to but yourself... and sex tends to complicate things as well. It's much simpler.
Anybody who has just randon anonomous sex thedse days is pertty fucking stupid.
That wasn't what i had in mind. I was just being nice!
Is my reputation THAT bad? jeez louize
[[note to self: cross byran off of list of potentual sex partners.]]
... obviously I don't sleep. Posting at 5:28 am? Eh, I knew I was taking off today anyway... too much ice. Tiny bit of snow, lot's of sleet and now we have ice. Whee. :-(
Good Lord! No more bruises please!
for some reason I see you busting your ass on an icey sidewalk.
please be careful :)
It's happened before. I stepped out my front door.... everything was ice. I slid across the porch down the steps and almost into the street. I had to crawl on my hands and knees back to the front door to close and lock it.
Then I carefully slid myself back to the street while sitting om my ass. I knew it was safe that way.
No injuries that time. It isn't like I was wearing ladies heels or anything (Do I look the type?), I don't even own men's dress shoes or loafers. I wear sneaks. Vans. They're skateboarder shoes. Real sturdy and rather pricey. They last forever though. I buy the discontinued styles on the net for a fraction of retail. I need to stop that. I have 8 pairs I wear in my hallway and another 8 pairs in the basement.
Ha ha! It's not funny really, but you make it sound like some kind of Charley Chapman adventure...
No you don't look the type to wear heels. It's a good thing! You'd kill yourself in them.
16 pairs of the same damn shoes! What is with you guys & these obsessions?
Yep, 16 pairs. I only currently wear 8 though, I wear a different pair every day so they don't get stinky. The others have never been worn and are in their boxes. I don't have 16 pairs of the same sneaker silly! That would be stupid! They're all different, except they're all Vans. What's with guys? What the heck is with women and their 75 pairs of shoes and 150 purses... that they need to replace every two years? One of my pairs of sneaks I've had for 10 years and they look almost new! Vans can go for 200-300 last I looked. I paid about 30 for each pair and they're all in styles that will never go out of style. W/ 16 pairs I'm set for life!
I can actually walk in heels, quite high ones, and I can do it very well. I know you've only seen my 'squished' profile pics but trust me, I really wouldn't look too good prancing around in women's shoes on a regular basis, but it's fun for shits and giggles w/ friends on rare occasions.
Hahahaha. Yes, it was exactly like Charlie Chaplin. I only wish there was video.
I know high heels are supposed to be sexy & all that, but on a guy? I've never visualized that before. Hmmm (Nope, doesn't do a thing for me.)
I don't think I have an obsession w/clothes at all. I get obsessed with what ever is engaging my mind at the moment. Right now I'm obsessed with learning everything I can about early Christianity. Weird for an agnostic person maybe, but it's my way of exorcising the demons from my childhood w/ a fucked up religious fanatic mother.(I like to think that's what I'm doing anyway)
I wish I could be normal & just stick w/one thing but, that's too boring. I have 0 self-disipline that way. Something will pique my interest & off I'll go.
I wish i could get obsessed w/making lots of money.
You've never been to a really, really, really good male review/drag show then. Some dudes can really pull it off. Then you meet them in the bar in costume. You're standing next to guy who is an exact replica of Cher (and he actually sang live, did it almost perfect), except with the heels he's like 10 feet tall! It's very odd!
i've never been to one of those, period. a 10 foot tall Cher? That's what you call bigger then life!
Now I know what high heels are all about!
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