Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Picture Time. (3-10-07) I finally got all the pictures together, finished fiddling with them and then doing this.

I was going through some things and I found a picture of my Mother.

Here she is casting spells and doing divinations and such. Lovely woman isn't she?

Hmmm... that's not fair to my Mother. She's a wonderful person (she still loves me after all) and if she was reading your cards it most likely wouldn't be in the woods. She has been known to frequent them from time to time in the past though.

That's a depiction of a gypsy fortune teller in the Ripley's Believe It or Not! museum in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Tickets were a bit pricey for something that was kind of cheesey and lame but it was good for a lark. I was making a rare visit to the outside world, we had time to kill and I wanted to do something... anything... different from my normal routine that consists of nothing. Most of the exibits were obviously replicas of things that I assume Ripley's Mega Corp has stored in a vault somewhere.

This is the front of the building. Earth crashed into it and now it's falling apart. Sort of cool.

I took a lot more pictures. Most of them didn't come out. Those disposeable cameras are not my friend. I managed to get one or two of my fingers in front of the lens so there is almost nothing for my efforts. At least the photo place didn't develop all the prints of my finger and charge me for them. I have a cd full of pics of my fingers though.

Here's a bridge made out of matchsticks. It's about 15 ft long.

How about a mummified falcon instead? I'm pretty sure it's real too, it looked real anyway.

(See, there's my finger.) Perhaps a torture device is more to your liking? This is a brank a torture device for women whose speech was "riotous" or "troublesome". This one is a pig, for someone who was "dirty". Does that mean she had a foul mouth and told her man what a pig he was? That's what I'm guessing.

Maybe you'd like a 19th century chastity belt? No? You don't? What on earth is wrong with you?

It's the latest model. Look how streamlined it is. It has air conditioning and a poop chute. Only the best for you.

I needed to walk on the beach. "Where the hell are you going?" On the beach! [It really wasn't as nasty as it looks in that pic. I had to fix the unviewable one from the photo developers. That's what I ended up with. AC's beach is one of the crappier ones tho. I took better ones. My finger got in the way.]

This picture is of the wonderous creature known as my baby Sister taken on my way back from my little beach excursion. She met some rather nice homeless men in my absence. One wanted to know if she liked the Greatful Dead, one bummed a cigarette, another offered her some of his vodka. She said the were nice... "No, I'm not a Dead fan." Laughed, passed them each a cigarette and politely declined the vodka. That's my Sister for sure. She knows how to deal with such things.

This is why we were there. (Photo credit: My Wonderful Sister!)
I took my Sis to see Blue Man Group. Well... she took me, I don't drive, so I took her, she took me. You figure it out. We always manage to have a bit of fun together. These are courtesy of my Sister. It was near the end of the show so we left our crappy seats and crashed the party.

She went up one row. I went up the other. Mine are crap. I didn't get up in there like I should have. I tend too look like someone security needs to grab and didn't want to risk it. My Sister is more invisible. Very slight/small. She strapped her brass balls on and went right up there.

Click the pics for a larger view.

The finale was sort of cool as well. Cannon thingies shot a ton of streamers out over the audience. *I have a ziplock sandwich bag full of the stuff*

By the time we were done playing the slots it had been tracked throughout the casino (Thump Taj), there were bits of streamers everywhere. I lost $60, I think my Sister lost $30.

On the quite chilly trek back down the boardwalk to where we were staying my Sis was attacked by a bear!

Look how ferocious it is!

Here's my Sis watching Invader Zim cartoons on my iPod. Little brat stole one of the pillows off my bed to put her stinky feet on... Ok, she asked if she could have it, she didn't steal it.

As I watched her I decided to do one of the things I do best. Oops! How did I end up in the bathtub? What's that with me?

(That's posed for. I didn't really pass out and land in the tub. I've done it in the past tho.)

Around 4:30 am (5:30 with the time change) I needed to move about and get some air. I stole my iPod off the foot of my Sister's bed and hit the boardwalk. It's really very nice when it's like this and there's nobody about. Quite sublime (*winks at Arcturus*).

On my way back to our room I saw this woman, she was crying and soaked from the rain. Was she homeless, on drugs? Did she have a fight with her partner or lose her savings in a casino?

What to do? What to do? Should I try to help? Does she need help? I snapped the picture and kept going. I hope she's okay.

I saw this church on the way out of A.C.

It seems stucco/adobe is the way to go these days. Several buildings have been encased in it. Nice fresh look... but it's all the same. Stop it please!

It looks nice on this churh though. It fits with the architecture.

Here's the windmills again. They suppliment the electricity for A.C. and neighboring Brigantine. My Sister saw me trying to take a picture and pulled of on the shoulder of the highway. It was a wide shoulder and there was a red light. She's one of the best drivers I know.

You must have pictures of me! Look at that stud.

That's my new mood ring. I accidentally stole it. I put it on as we wandered around one of the souvenir shops so that I wouldn't drop it while we shopped. After we paid for our junk and were three blocks away I realized it was on my hand. Oops. It turns my finger an interesting shade of green.

Gosh that was long. I hope nobody died from boredom or old age while reading it.


concerned citizen said...

Looks like you had a grand time. Your sister sounds like great fun! Everybody needs a sister to look after them.

Anonymous said...

My sister rocks. Literally. It was Easter, dressed in our finery... think she was 5 or so and she whacked me in the head with her patent leather purse when I started teasing her. She had filled it with rocks just for that purpose. :- )

concerned citizen said...

ha ha. Good for her!

As soon as my parents would leave for town my little brothers would do something they weren't supposed to. I could always count on it. I'd just threaten to tell on them & make them do my chores.
It worked for years.
Finally, they got old anough to realize that together they could beat me up.
That was a rotten turn of events. being a girl wasn't such an advantage anymore. :)
We are still all good pals though.

Arcturus said...

Wow -- quite the photographic compendium. Those were taken when you went to Atlantic City a few months ago? I forgot when you went there.

I'm not sure I'd ever apply the word "sublime" to Atlantic City, though.

I so want to see the Jersey shore this summer (but not Atlantic City).

That must've taken quite a while to put all that together. I know how long some of these blog entries take to compose.

Anonymous said...

Arc: There goes your ADD again. :- )

Those are from 3-10-07 it's in the title.

What took the longest was getting them to where I needed them to be... out of my phone, to email, then to the computer and into my photo album!

Thank you for stopping in.

I might have another one like that up in a couple of weeks. Less pix though. It was cloudy and bleah so we didn't do much this time.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't normally use "sublime" to describe A.C. either.

4:30 am. Me, my iPod, ocean, beach... nobody about but me. It approaches sublime, about as close to it as A.C. can get anyway.