Sunday, March 4, 2007


I couldn't leave it alone could I? I had it all nice and pretty in here. Links and everything. Then I had to play around and add a different background. That totally screwed everything up and now I have this and I can't fix it. Grrr.


At least I got it back to this... I used to have this nice little add elements tab. It's gone away. So has the option to revert back to your prevuous template. Aaaaarrrgggg!!!

It was quite nice in here last night. I was mildly impressed. I guess I could put it back that way but who wants to figure out all the html themselves. Blogger take back that stupid thing you just glued to me so that I can change color of the "The Blogger NavBar" and give me back my "add elements"!!!! Bastards.

**update** tee hee heeee!! I fixed it. Fuck you Blogger! I'm not as stupid as you think I am! I did it all by myself (Damned fucking html bullshit). Now give me back my "add elements" tab!


concerned citizen said...

you think cursing blogger is gonna help?

How are the two ants, BTW?

Anonymous said...

Cursing sure doesn't hurt! It makes you feel better. Nobody was here to hear me, you should have heard the cursing I didn't type.

I fixed it... with no help from blogger by the way. Did you even look at the stupid thing? You're linked in the left. I'll take it off if you like.

The ants are still dead! Maybe I should take them to church and have them blessed. Then wait untill Easter. They might come back to life. Stranger things have happened.

Jesus loves me, this I know, for The Bible tells me so...

concerned citizen said...

I WANT to be in your links. don't kick me off. I've already been kicked off of 3 links.
Did you know that?
Just some sorehead christians. Arc stuck up for me though.

Oh, I guess I forgot the ants were dead.
Zombie ants. now that's an idea. :)

Jesus loves you, he who died, for your sins was crucified...

Anonymous said...

Being linked here does absolutely nothing. You're the only one that looks at this crap with any sort of regularity... or who comments anyway.

Hahaha... and guess who's link I messed up? Guess! 'Tis fixed now.

While I was fiddling I changed languages, I had hoped it would change the entire thing into French or whatever. Sadly it didn't. No fun. :-(

Anonymous said...

Where the heck is my "Jesus Christ Superstar" cd, darn it? I can never find anything when I want it. I'll just go get a used one from Amazon then.

Arcturus said...

Am I missing something? Your page looks like it did before. I tried to change the template -- did so for a few hours, perhaps you saw it. I know L>T saw it. But then I put it back and had to reconstruct all the links 'n' stuff, not to mention statcounter. I'd like to change my background template (it's getting old, I think) but -- as your own experience suggests -- I don't feel like exposing myself to so much potential and needless aggavation.

Re. being "stupid," who suggested you were?

Anonymous said...

Arc: Maybe it's the computers at the computer lab? I can't see most of my blog on my personal one. I can see it other places though.

There's a whole new section on the left side. I even gave you a link.

Arcturus said...

Thank you for the link!

Anonymous said...

Arc: You are quite welcome Sir.