Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Me being me

It's been a very unusual week. Here's me, from today. I'm wearing the hottest new item from the ME collection. Isn't it so very me? I'm wearing... ME!!!

I wasn't in the office very long today. I managed to stay untill noon though.

Here's a dead person. I didn't take that picture, I don't think I did, mine has much more nostril stuff going on. It looks horrid.

Thank you for your support and comfort.


concerned citizen said...

Wow! you're wearing you! You are so...YOU. :)

hmmm, he certainly doesn't look like he's faking.

My husbands grandmother was the oldest working Beautitian(?) in Oregon at one time, she was 88. She did all her friends at the Morgue across the street. Boy, she had some quips about dead people. & she took pictures of her work, too. She had a whole album of those pictures. I wish I could find them. They'd be fun to post.

Anonymous said...

We all wanted to try and rearrange his face. I know it isn't Hollywood and he isn't going to look like the man he was... but that is not right. It just isn't.

concerned citizen said...

bryan. I had such a good time talking to you tonight. even if I did use up all my minutes...

Anonymous said...

Same here. I'll send you one of those cards to put your minutes back. Mine were in my plan, so I only lost battery power.

You really need to stop asking about my adoreable hiney though.

[note to anyone who may be looking: L>T does not actually have a thing for my butt. It's all in jest.]

concerned citizen said...

bryan...whoohooo, I have Greeks over on my blog. Get your HOt hiney over there. ;]

Arcturus said...

I'm sorry, Bryan, my condolences.

Anonymous said...

Arc: I'm ok. Kind of. Sort of. Not exactly.

Thank you though.