Tuesday, June 12, 2007

New Ink

They look much better than they did last week. The bruising went away.

What sucks is I'm gonna lose the teeny bit of a tan I have. Since they're babies I'm supposed to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Great...
The first time in almost twenty years I'm not as white as milk and I'm supposed to stay covered up. Whatever. Who needs skin cancer anyway? I'll probably die from the tats. Does it really fucking matter?


Arcturus said...

I hear Queen Elizabeth II had the same concerns -- and expressed the same sentiments -- when she got her tattoos.

Anonymous said...

Whether they(the tattoos) kill you or not, you are stuck with them until the bitter end.

[Sorry, I can't think of anything profound to say. My brain cells got soused last night.]

God I even went to a night-club *shudder* I had forgotten why I stay away from those places. I made some poor sap listen to a Neitzshe CD "Twilight of the Gods"(no it's not a cool musical group*)that I had in my purse. fuck! I am such a nerd!

Fortunately, for you I didn't think about calling.

I started a text message to arc,too but since it takes me 1/2 an hour to compose a sentence I abandoned it

*I'm sure you know this (but, just in case) "Twilight of the Gods" is
a book of philosopical discourse.
Just call me Napoleon Dianomite.

Anonymous said...

Hey bry! how are you doing?

Arcturus said...

Are you OK?

Anonymous said...

ARC: Hello. No I haven't been ok... I'm ok now, at least as ok as I ever am. It's something best not discussed in this forum. Drop me a line or give me a call when your minutes are free and you feel up to it. I'll tell 'ya. It would be easier on the phone I think... preferably when you're home and not rushing from place to place, it's easier to talk to you when you aren't so hurried and are more centered. I just like to hear your voice too. :)

L>T: I know who Neitzshe is you silly person! I haven't read any but I know who it is. You did call me one day... I forget which, it's in my voice mail. I couldn't have answered it anyway, my phone was locked in a safe.

As for the tatts, I have 4 now. The 2 Egyptian ones do actually mean something. The other 2, the bat and the gargoyle have special meaning to me. Especially the gargoyle.