Shiny happy people laughing
Meet me in the crowd
People, people
Throw your love around
Love me, love me
Take it into town
Happy, happy
Put it in the ground
Where the flowers grow
Gold and silver shine
Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people laughing
Everyone around, love them, love them
Put it in your hands
Take it, take it
There's no time to cry
Happy, happy
Put it in your heart
Where tomorrow shines
Gold and silver shine
That's not exactly the right song I want here. I'm not sure what should be there. It's close enough though. It will do.
A certain few of my internet "friends" were kind enough to email me or call me. There are things going on that I can't possibly explain. I can't blog them either, so here is what you get.
I don't know why I even botherd to black out his face, we look almost exacty alike. I don't have his consent to share his photo though. That's my Dad. Do we look like shiny happy people? We did hold hands at some point... maybe not that day, I think it was that day though.
I was in the hospital. The kind they don't like to let you out of. It was sanitized for my protection, see the toilet? Look at that towel. I used it once. I thought it incredibly stupid to throw it in the laundry. I could have killed myself with the amount of towels that were available.
I had real nice shower. People, trust me. You do not want a granite or marble floor in your shower. You just don't. They hurt your feet and are cold.
These showers were also where all the sex was happening. You need to leave your doors open... but if you got behind that wall and were quiet nobody noticed. There was a very nice looking straight man who was getting it every night. If he was even slightly bisexual he'd have been getting it from me too. He was also a very nice person. A very nice person. He broke down and cried one night in one of the "sessions" we wers supposed to attend. This wasn't crocodile tears... he wasn't faking this at all. It was real.
I can't tell his story. It ism't mome to tell.
Nothing terribly bad happened, except the doors of my house got kicked in... The only one I was a danger to was myself... unfortunately for me, someone realized I was really serious. Seriously serious. She knows better now. I explained my brain to her as best as I could. Next time she won't know... and if she does she knows I don't want it stopped.
I'm ok. I don't plan on going away anytime soon. It's hard though. Really fucking hard. I have a John Mayer concert to go to on July 14th... me, just me. I knew nobody would go with me so I bought one ticket. Now everyone is worried about me and wants to come. Your loss. Go find your own ticket.
I'm going to see Richard Marx (again) in August. My Sister got the tickets, real seats (3), so I know what she paid for them. I have this thing about wanting an actual seat, not the standing only crap. No matter who we go to see we usually end up down there anyway though, right up front. I sprang for the room... decent place, since I booked it now and I got a great deal. I know these rooms will be 300.00 a night in August. So I have plenty of reasons to stick around. People love me and care about me. I know this, I knew this before. It's still hard though.

I'm gonna be by that pole, should we get seperated I'll meet you on the sidewalk near the car.
Did you see me? Do you know where I was?
You were by the pole right?
Ummmm... nope. I wasn't, I was up front. Bouncing up and down with the kids. There was no personal space in this area. Guys and girls, guys and guys all pressed against one another. Claustrophobia? You didn't need to be where I was.
"You were that close to him! He had his shirt off?!?! I don't like you."

Hi there!
I have no idea what to say to this post, but I can tell that your dad looks like you (I think it's the ears)& the hospital looks depressing. (I would paint it all in pastel colors, myself.) & I so do want everything to work out for you...
I'm not sure what is going on, but I hope you are OK.
Thanks for taking the time out of what has clearly been a difficult time for you to drop me a note about my dog.
I really appreciate it.
Again- I hope you are OK.
Dude, you know the AIM if you're ever on, look me up!
l>t: Pastels are out girlfriend.
Joe: You actually read my crap once in a while? Thanks. Remember, I'm "old school" I remember when you wer a dick. It did suprise me when I realized what a decent person you really are. You're still a still a fucktard. :-)
The dog thing... I know. trust me, I know.
Buzz: You never sent me that pictire of your feets like you promised. Fuck you!...but thanks Buzz.
Everybody: Thank you, it does help. You, yes you! please call again, soon, when its good for you. It made me feelbetter.
I don't care if they are "out", pastel colors are soothing. It's been studied. A light pea green or a putrid pink calms the inmate, or so they say. ;]
l>t: Trust me, Putrid pink is not a good option. Everyone I have ever known personally has hated that room, no matter what hue it was. I don't care what studies might say.
Bathroom, bedroom, kitchen... whatever room it was, the most fighting, arguments, general unhappiness always happened there.
At least my room was a tan/green color. It was kind of like baby vomit but not quite as gross.
ha ha! that is so true. The pathetic thing is that it is a nostalgic color for some of us.
How are you doing? It was nice talking to you on the phone the other night.
Arc:Thank you for the call. it was much appreciated. I'm doin ok. I'm still a bit frazzeled and I'm exhausted, and wilting from the heat.
Why did nobody think to help the boy with this other than me? It's very complicated too and I can see to read all this crap.
The boy meeds a new digital photo ID. He has a paper one w/out a picture that is still valid, but since 9/11 that amounts to nothing.
He also needs his sos. sec. card and birth certificate. He no longer knows where they are.
To get these things replaced he neede these same things... fortunately getting his birth certificate should be be pretty easy.
All I need Is My Id and a notarized letter from him. I know a notarary who will take my word for it. He doesn't even have to be there.
Why must things be so damned difficult? He worked security for years, he's had a full backgeound check. He was even liscenced to carry firearms back then. He's in the "system" damnit.
Our 50's basement is pussy wall pink, a friend said he felt like he was walking into a giant vagina, and we love that room. Maybe it's because that's the drunken debauchery room and it has a pool table.
Buzz: Do I get to see your feets in that room? I could put up with the pink because of the pool table.
I'm not a good pool player at all but I like to play. When I hung out drinking every night of the week... years ago, we played no rules. It was the honesty system. No Calling shots.
Oh shit, Yhat's not what I wanted and the que got passed, or the person used the one they wanted and the bad shot that hit a ball that it seemed you wanted to hit didn't count.
Fair Play. That's all I'm asking fot these days. Fair Play.
What the hell are you reading this dreck for? You shouldn't be being nice. Buzz has something up his sleeve. Buzz is a douchebag. I know, he's just trying to trick me info letting John Belushi fuck me. :-)
Our pool table is in what is called the "Game Room" not because of the pool table or the foos ball table either, but because of the dead animal heads all over the wall. It is not vagina pink, but naughty pine.
*sigh* i can't believe i'll be leaving all this soon.
L>T: You little vixen you! It's knotty pine not naughty pine. What on earth are you up to in that room anyway? Stop trying to entice me into your world of perversion!
*note to others... that was a joke. get over it.*
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