I got on the train the other day and there was a couple with their two small children riding. It was just the five of us in the car...
They were just taking the kids for a train ride to entertain them. It was cute. The little boy was about eight his sister was prolly seven...
As I walk to the back of the car (so I don't scare the nice people by sitting too close) he goes "Mommy! Mommy! That man has blue hair!" she's all like "Shhh! Shhh!" I guess he'll remember that train ride.
This man was terribly cute. He was all curled up, head on his backpack, sleeping behind me. I wanted to toss a banket on him and kiss him goodnight.
Sorry about the crotch shot. I can't show the one of his serene sleeping face, I shouldn't even be taking random pictures of people like this anyway.
Take me now muscle man! Ravage me now! *cough* Ooops. You didn't hear that.
As scary looking as he seemed he was terribly intelligent, a bit of a foul mouth though. I coldn't help but overhear the conversation he was having on his phone.
Here's another shot of the cat from the previous post.
It is a normal size cat Arc... he's the sweetest kitty too.
The arm is attached to the man I'm always going on about.
This isn't on a train... What the heck?!?
Here's some strange naked person dying their hair blue.
Where the heck did that come from? How odd.
Nice back. I'd eat him up.
He rides past where his stop is... It's easier and faster for him to walk or take a bus from there. (I heard him talking to another passenger.)
I think mass transit blows goats.
Riding a high speed rail/subway thing. I'd never done that before.
Before I knew it I had reached my destination and was suddenly headed in the wrong direction...
I figured it was best to just stay on the darned thing since it was bound to go back the other way. It did.
There were announcements over the speakers at each stop. You couldn't tell what they said, it was like the adult's voices in the Peanuts television cartoons. Wmmm, wmmmm, wmmm.
This beautiful urn was used to store organs in if I remember correctly. So many beautiful things. So old. You look at these things and wonder "How did they do that?" There was a child's chair that might have been Tut's... a decoratave coffin that may have belonged to his grandmother... everything intricate and beautiful in some way.
If you haven't been in one, it's sort of like a planetarium. It's a giant semi-circular movie screen that almost surrounds you. Very disconcerting, it was really cool though.
King Tut tissue boxes? Achooo!
This is a replica of his skull.
While I was at the museum I saw... guess.... go ahead, guess......
I saw Arcturus! In the constellations! I saw his Bootes! As the Egyptians saw him!
I saw Bernice too... I didn't look for the blue thing. Why bother looking for that.
I have blue hair. That's good enuff for me.
I almost got arrested on the way home, I got off at the wrong stop and was bored waiting for the next ride... I started taking pictures in a place where I shouldn't. I wonder where the hidden cameras were.
"Hey! You can't take pictures down here! Can you delete them? I don't wanna have to take your phone."
"Yes Sir, no problem."
"Terrorisim bla, bla, bla...."
I pressed various buttons on my phone making it beep a lot and flipped it shut. "There you go Sir, all gone." (Ha, Ha) He sent me on my merry way.
It was really creepy down there. Dark, dirty... Gated off passages that were completely black, leading off to ????????
I walked at least a mile and 1/2 underground, I entered on a completely different system so I walked and walked... You still have to go further underground to get to the actual trains...
The platforms were huge. I can't imagine what they were like filled to capacity. There must have been huge crowds using this rail/subway line at one time.
I've never been in one of these, neither have a lot of people. Can you blame me for wanting pictures? It's not like I was taking pics of anything strategic to cause mayhem... how are the transit people to know that tho.
I have a few more on a disposeable. I have to get that developed.
Come on.
Do I fit a profile?
Do I not stand out?
Even in a crowd?
Maybe they thought it was reverse psycology...
I'm so openly obviosly there, I must be doing something sneaky.
Blue hair. Red wall. Yellow sign. Primary colors. Cool picture.
Here are some pics from my yard.
Good thing I guess, they'd probably attract bees or something.
Like I know how to care for a fig tree.
That's a 7 foot tall partially hollow stump. It's roughly ten feet around. The tree was huge, I miss it. That round thing is a big mushroom.
It gets bigger if you click it, almost all of my pics do.
Ok, that's enough. Way too much.
Nothing coming anytime soon.
I might be done with this.