This is a test for us, old kids! The
answers are printed below, but don't you
01. After the Lone Ranger saved the day
and rode off into the sunset, the grateful
citizens would ask, Who was that masked
man? Invariably, someone would answer, I
don't know, but he left this behind. What
did he leave
02. When the Beatles first came to the
U.S. in early 1964, we all watched them on
The _______________ Show.
03. "Get your kicks,
04. "The story you are about to see is
true. The names have been
05. "In the jungle, the mighty jungle,
06. After the Twist, The Mashed Potato,
and the Watusi, we "danced" under a stick
that was lowered as low as we could go in
a dance called the "_____________."
07. "N_E_S_T_L_E_S", Nestle's makes
the very best....... _______________."
08. Satchmo was America 's "Ambassador
of Goodwill." Our parents shared this great
jazz trumpet player with us. His name was
09. What takes a licking and keeps on
ticking? _______________.
10. Red Skelton's hobo character was
named __________________ and Red
always ended his television show by
saying, "Good Night, and "________
11. Some Americans who protested the
Vietnam War did so by burning
12. The cute little car with the engine in the
back and the trunk in the front was called
the VW . What other names did it go by?
____________ &_______________.
13. In 1971, singer Don MacLean sang a
song about, "the day the music died."This
was a tribute to ___________________.
14. We can remember the first satellite
placed into orbit. The Russians did it. It
was called ___________________.
15. One of the big fads of the late 50's
and 60's was a large plastic ring that we
twirled around our waist. It was called
the ________________.
01. The Lone Ranger left behind a silver
02. The Ed Sullivan Show
03. On Route 66
04. To protect the innocent.
05. The Lion Sleeps Tonight
06. The limbo
07. Chocolate
08. Louis Armstrong
09. The Timex watch
10. Freddy, The Freeloader,and "Good
Night,and may God Bless."
11. Draft cards (Bras were also burned.)
12. Beetle or Bug
13. Buddy Holly
14. Sputnik
15. Hoola-hoop
Here are some pics.
These are from my yard Saturday morning. I just got back from a 10 mile round trip on my bicycle (It suprises me that I can still do it)...
I left my house at 4:30 am so I'd be on time. I wanted to make sure a certain someone had coffee to sip while he was at dialysis all morning. I brought him a fresh blueberry muffin too, it gave him something to look foward to later in the day.
This one is from Sunday... Yup, another 10 mile bike ride. I'm gonna kill myself I just know it. This cat sort of adopted him. It hangs out in the bushes in his flowerbed. He wants to take him in but he already has an exclusively indoor cat and she's a mean ornery thing. This one is as sweet as can be.
It's funny, the cat recognizes me from all the way down the long street. He sees me on my bicycle, runs over and jumps onto the porch no matter what direction I come from. I guess me and my bike make some kind of specific noise or something. I know dogs can tell when their owners are coming home.
I got 13 right. I missed #8, 10 & 13.
The morning glorys? are pretty. Do they grow wild where you live?
The morning glorys are a pain in the ass.. but they are very pretty.
Mine have run rampant for 10 years without blooming and needed to be torn up every fall.. every bit of them... they make a bit of a mess, taking over everything.
Suddenly there were flowers again. No idea why.
Oh we have wild ones here but they are all white an only pretty occasionally like me. I am depressed. can you tell?
Maybe you should wear some buttless leather pants with a purple thong around town!
You don't always have to be pretty everywhere. One side of a flower can have all sorts of imperfections but if you tilt your head or see it at a different angle it's beautiful.
01. A condom
(actually, I don't know)
02. Maury Povich
(actually, Ed Sullivan)
03. Karate Class, Toms River, New Jersey
(actually, on Rt. 66)
04. "to protect the satisfied."
(That was Blanche Devereaux's quote about her love life).
(actually, the innocent)
05. the lion sleeps tonight
06. the limbo ("I didn't know the Reverend's daughter could go that low" -- Mama's Family quote)
07. Poppers.
(actually, I don't know)
08. Louis Armstrong
09. Bryan Nothing More.
(actually, a Timex watch)
10. Not sure ... Buttons? Good luck? (That's how Keith Olbermann ends his show.)
11. Bras.
(actually, draft cards)
12. Bug
13. George Bush.
(actually, that airplane crash that killed Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper)
14. Sputnik
15. Hoola Hoop
I missed two.
Arc: lol You're funny.
Hi Bryan! nice to have you visit..
love the cat, actually I love the flowers too but they are noxious here and choke the trees.
I'm thinking the buttless leather pants could catch on. Really.
(Not if I wear them, that would look rather horrible)
what about violet hair this week?
I only got a few of those quiz questions, not cause I'm not OLD but maybe cos I'm not American..
By the way, that was one big ass cat in that picture. Or maybe it was just the camera angle.
Fifi: Thanks for the visit as well... Morning glorys are terrible. I might have to hire someone to get rid of the mess this year. I should go up on my kitchen roof and take an aerial shot of the jungle below... I'd probably fall though.
Arc: It's a normal sized cat. Look at the hand in the pic, that's my Uncle.. the boy is a on the small side, about your height and around 57.5 kg, it varies a bit. *converts it* Holy shit. He's only 127 lbs.
Damn it. He's supposed to be that big strong guy I remember. Guess I shouldn't hug him too hard then, he just might break. He's broken enough already.
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