I think I'm going to rent a room this weekend. I need a Jacuzzi tub. I hurt. My legs are killing me (so is my back). Can you spell "Charlie Horse" kids? Come on, I know you can!
Yay!!! You did it! Good for you!!!
Unfortunately I don't drive. The nearest hotel/motel with a tub like that I could find (on a convenient bus route) is kinda one of those rent by the hour places. I've slept in worse places. Some really odd places. I've never been homeless but I have slept under overpasses, in abandoned cars, graveyards and the like. It's just simpler sometimes.
Sleeping in the graveyard was nice.
These are from that cemetary.
Expensive stays at the Mariott aren't always necessary... especially if it's only me. Sometimes you need to indulge though.
I've been known to wear a plastic garbage bag as a raincoat. Does that make me nuts? It fits nicely in my backpack. It could work as shelter of sorts. If somebody needs a trash bag for some reason, I have one.
I can help hide evidence. Give you a bag to put your dead feline in. Help carry all the money you robbed from the bank. If there's a sudden downpour you'd be thrilled to have my trash bag.
We could possibly share it to keep warm if we needed to..... I need to get one of those aluminum foil looking "space blankets" as well. I can wrap it in my trash bag and carry it around with me.
I do change the trash bag. It does need to be used sometimes. "Hey! Does anybody have a plastic bag?" I got it covered. Next I need to learn how to rub sticks together and make fire... eh, why bother, I usually have two or three lighters with me. I constantly misplace them.... then I suddenly have six all at once because I found the one I left on the desk, the one I left on the fridge... yadda yadda.
First I need to get some clorox or something if I'm gonna stay at that motel and use one of their jacuzzi tubs. Who knows what disgusting things went on in there. I need to clean the darned thing first.
I must seem horribly morbid. Sorry about that. While looking for the cemetary pics I have I found some terribly bad video I took at an ice show so I threw it up... **barf** Enjoy. Yes, that is Chris Issac singing (If you can actually hear it). Yes, that is him performing in the corner of the ice rink (If you squint your eyes and can actually manage to kind of see something). The whole mess was televised. I have tape of it. Much better quality video. Amazing how the arena looked packed on the telecast. It wasn't. I was there for the whole thing..... I even stayed to watch them do all the reshoots because people fucked up. Interesting seeing the real thing and what they want you to see.
It happens all the time. Something happens one way, you get shown another.
Hmmm. ^^^^ that's fine on my one computer. A mess, but fine. It's all off to the side on this one. No idea why. You'll just have to deal with it, or not.
WTF? You should of called...
I did call you. We talked about the alien who left his big purple penis behind. :)
You've never once even asked me for my phone number. You can call me anytime. Just email me and I'll send you my digits.
What are friends for?
Who are you? Why do you keep pestering me?
It's becoming clear to me that you must be some insane stalker or something.
I'm nothing more than a concerned friend. There's no need to throw around accusations of "insanity" or "stalking".
Geez, if you don't wanna be friends, just let me know.
hmmm, poor Eugene...well, anyway, You wouldn't believe the strange dream I had after THAT conversation
Eugene, you don't want to be my friend! You want to tie me up and leave me in the desert until I turn into beef jerky. Then you'll cut me up and throw me into a pot of stew. I know your kind.
What happened Citizen? Did the aliens visit you as well? Probing you with their purple penises? *shudder* It was a terrible frightening thing when it happened to me!!
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