Damn you! Damn you all!!! You have no idea what you've done!
He doesn't understand why you hate him so when he loves me so much.
It got terribly quiet, so I went looking for him. Joe? Honey, where are you? I finally found him on the deck. Joey, are ok? He was all bundled up in a blanket, drinking, sitting in the rain.
All he could do was cry.
"Why don't they understand Bryan? Why is my love for you so shameful? I just don't get it!!"
Then he started to scream like a mental patient and vomit.
Shame on you. Shame on all of you for judging his love for me.
My advice would be to nip this relationship in the bud, Big Joe sounds a tadbit mentally unstable.
┌┚ ┕┒
Hee hee
let me know if this works, OK?
crap! it's not supposed to be skewed like that.
Back to the drawing board.
This sounds awfully gay to me.
Jus' saying.
Citizen, What the heck were you trying to do anyway?
Monk, Of course it's gay, it's also a bit perverted. The temptation was too much, curiosity got the better of me and I just had to try it.
trying to see what I can actually put into the comment section.
It's supposed to be a torso...I need to work on my skills though.
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