He has a pretty wife and nice looking kids, there was a picture on his desk. I was slightly tempted to flirt witn him. He was very nice. He's got a wife and kids though. He might fool around with men, women, farm animals, how do I know? He's married tho and I don't play that way.
I just took this. It's five days later. I didn't photoshop it to make it better or worse. I only took that one pic. I bruise up nicely don't I?
How 'bout some more details about the incident. I mean, it's not every day that someone you know gets robbed and beat up like that.
Good to see you survived with relatively minor injuries. What meds are you on these days to deal with the pain?
Monk, there are details. Go down to my "This is getting..." post.
It happened really fast. I'm not taking any meds. Vodka and asprin is all.
That looks nasty. I hope you are feeling better. I commented on your post on Michael McDonald. He's really yummy.
Oh, and Monk, it's Chicky Pea here, I had to go on the down-low. I'm still out here though.
And Bryan, I think I remember reading your avatar is not a pic of you but kudos because that guy is HOT, gay or not!
That's hot! Not the fact that you suffered from a hate crime, but that pose. You almost look like a thug.
If I were you, I wouldn't venture out at night like that unless you were playing a kickball game under the lights.
I hope you feel better soon, my friend. Take care. HUGZ
OK, I see it. Fuck, that sucks. Assholes.
Vodka and aspirin should do the trick for a while.
All, I'm feeling a bit better, it isn't hurting too badly. I still think I should get an X-ray or two. I won't though.
It's looking nasty still. Not as much tho. I stopped shaving and the bruise w/ the facial hair will fit w/ my mental patient halloween costume.
What the fuck is a Eugene anyway? Go away you freak. I am a thug. I'll pop a cap in you ass.
Guess What! I have a new blog & you are my first link.
"Who is this?" (you ask)
"It's me w/the sexy feet"...he he he
Oh crap. handmaiden? I've got some other strange creature lurking around now? That's all I need!
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