Michael was great. His voice is same as it alwas was. He played his solo stuff and a bunch of Doobie Brothers songs. Good show. It's really a shame that the darned place was almost empty.
I know he's not really current, but he does have a fairly large fan base even now. I bought my tickets, even though one of the local radio stations was giving tickets away left and right. The tickets weren't selling and they were trying to fill the place up, it didn't work. There were maybe 200 people there and thats being generous with my estimate.
I took the blind guy with me (No, not Joe), he enjoyed it very much. It was a bittersweet thing... seeing him enjoying himself listening to the music was wonderful. Woahooo, Listen to the music... But at the same time it was awful watching him try to watch something he couldn't see. I watched him more than I actually watched the stage.
Blues Traveler kicked butt. John Popper sure can wail away on that harmonica. The place was almost full, but again, the tickets must not have been selling and were given out as freebies.
Excuse me, but if you're any sort of Blues Traveller fan you don't get up and leave when they're preforming in an 1800 seat venue. You Just Don't. About 2/3 into the show the place emptied out... so I took my sorry ass up front and parked it in the 4th row center stage. If I was much closer I would have gotten fat man sweat on me. Actually he's not that fat anymore. He almost had a heart attack in 99 and needed an angioplasty, then he had gastric bypass surgery so he'd lose all that weight.
I forgot that they did this. They record the show through the soundboard. For ten bucks I got a cd of the show I was at. How fucking cool is that?
This was awesome. If you don't know who Loreena McKennitt is you need to seek her out and give her a listen. Her music is best described as Celtic but it's not just that. It's a mixture of other cultures as well. Truly beautiful music. Her site is here.
She doesn't tour regularly. I had never seen her perform live until last night. Truly amazing. I have never heard anyone sing live and sound like that. She has a vioce that almost brings tears to your eyes. If I have a chance to see her again I certainly will go if I am able.
That concert definitely made my day much better...
Two punks on bicycles jumped me on my way home from work. One sucker punched me, jumped off his bike and charged at me and the other grabbed my phone. They both took off.
I'm ok. I'm not hurt. I may have a some sort of jaw fracture. I don't know. It doesn't hurt but it feels strange. If it was just one of them I'd have been able to take him down, but two? Nope. They wouldn't have tried that shit alone.
I've seen these punks in the neighborhood, so they have some idea where I live. I ordered pepper spray last night. Different kinds, one brand has dye in it. If they come after me again, not only will they be in pain they will be funny colors. I'm not sure the colors will match the canisters but who cares.
I spent two hours at the police station looking at mug shots. Fat lot of good that did. It just made me 10 minutes late for the concert I paid $60.00 to go to.
Stupid me. I had the phone turned off almost immediately. ( I have/had 2 working phones, different #''s. I actually had 4 phones, gotta take the free ones they give ya. ) They didn't have the time to use it. If they had called somebody that would be a lead for the police to know who they might be. Damnit.
I got today off from work. I walked in and handed my supervisor, the big boss supervisor, the police report thingie. She looked at it and looked at my swollen face and excused me for the day. I'm not getting paid but I don't give a shit.
I talked to Arcturus last night. He thought I should take the day off, go see the doctor... I dunno. It doesn't really hurt, and I can't ever really hear out of that ear anyway. My face just feels very odd. If it's just a minor fracture what would they do for it anyway?
So here I sit waiting for my replacement phone and my pepper spray canisters to arrive, posting an entry with links and color! Sipping ice cold mint flavored vodka on the rocks at 2:00 in the afternoon. Did I mention that I make it all minty on my own? I use the mint that grows in my yard. Go me.
I hope you are getting the new pepper spray & not the used. :)
Citizen, You are a silly person. Used? Ummm,no.
On the second pepper spray link it implied you could buy used pepper spray. But, now I see they didn't really have any used pepper spray, so...
Oh well, another one of those things that seemed funny at the moment.
Like buying condoms at the dollar store.
Dollar store condoms? I sure as heck wouldn't do that either!
There are certain items that need to be high quality.... like the giant technocolor exploding penis you sent me. That's quality.
I found it amusing, scared the hell out of the cat. He's been hiding for days.
Well, as long as you liked it. :)
Things NOT to buy at the dollar store besides condoms: birth control devices, Batteries, light bulbs, home pregnancy tests...
You have to watch out with the food/snacks too. I've seen things being sold waaayyyy past their "use by" date.
I'm all for saving some cash but there are limits.
₩ snacks! made in China...ingredients, wheat gluten, lead paint, monostripptocockulas, stiffonatrainitrates, takeapictureit willlasttrate, sodeom gamommorate
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