I needed to Indulge again.
After getting sucker punched and robbed I thought I deserved a getaway.
Yeah, that was real fun. It's been a month and my jaw is just beginning to feel normal. I still can't hear out of that ear properly, I haven't been able to in a long time, but since I got punched it's worse than it used to be.
Here's my weekend from 10/26. (I barely got around to starting this post, I didn't finish it until now. )
This place was a hell of a lot nicer than the last place I tubbed at.
It was harder for me to get to (I had to have friends drop me off) but it was worth it... It was much cleaner than the last place I went to...
That was a pay by the hour place. Ewwww.
This place had a 7-11, a pizza parlor and an adult bookstore all within a blocks walk. That was cool. The nearest liquor store was two miles away though. What the hell? I can walk across the
highway, get porn, possibly get a blowjob in the back room or behind the building but I can't buy booze nearby? Stupid.
After getting sucker punched and robbed I thought I deserved a getaway.
Yeah, that was real fun. It's been a month and my jaw is just beginning to feel normal. I still can't hear out of that ear properly, I haven't been able to in a long time, but since I got punched it's worse than it used to be.
Here's my weekend from 10/26. (I barely got around to starting this post, I didn't finish it until now. )
This place was a hell of a lot nicer than the last place I tubbed at.
It was harder for me to get to (I had to have friends drop me off) but it was worth it... It was much cleaner than the last place I went to...
That was a pay by the hour place. Ewwww.
This place had a 7-11, a pizza parlor and an adult bookstore all within a blocks walk. That was cool. The nearest liquor store was two miles away though. What the hell? I can walk across the
The twenty-something guy who seemed to live in the pizza place was darned hot. I ate like a pig that weekend, I was terribly hungry. I must have been in there at least eight times. He was there every time. Poor guy must work like hell. It's a family business, I figure he's the owner's nephew or something...
Even though this place is a national chain motel, how the hell do I know what went on in that tub? The staff must make minium wage, (I'd like to think they're doing their job) so of course I brought cleaning supplies and sterilized everything I might touch.
Come on, it's a robin's egg blue heart shaped tub. It's near a truck stop. It's across the road from a porn emporium.
Even though this place is a national chain motel, how the hell do I know what went on in that tub? The staff must make minium wage, (I'd like to think they're doing their job) so of course I brought cleaning supplies and sterilized everything I might touch.
Come on, it's a robin's egg blue heart shaped tub. It's near a truck stop. It's across the road from a porn emporium.
You can't tell me that some really strange stuff hasn't happened in that tub. I won't believe you. I'm not stupid. Lysol and bleach were necessary items.
Some strange stuff happened while I was there, and I behave myself (mostly).
I did bring more than I needed to. The dvd player was a good idea, I plugged it in and I got to watch my Artie Lange dvd.
I brought other stuff too.
I brought lots of stuff.
I did bring more than I needed to. The dvd player was a good idea, I plugged it in and I got to watch my Artie Lange dvd.
I always bring too much. Then I leave with even more than I came with.
Nice huh? It was a no smoking room, that sucked. Lighting tons of candles isn't smoking though! A possible fire hazard, yes, but they aren't tobacco.
So, People magazine nominated Matt Damon as this years Sexiest Man Alive.
Sure he's hot. He's really darned hot sometimes. Like in this picture here.
He's just cute most of the time. Sexiest Man Alive?
Excuse me. I beg to differ.
Sexiest Man Alive would be this guy.
Totally freaking hot.
I would do terribly naughty things with him.
Things you wouldn't ever want your mother to know you did.
Can't you just feel the heat radiating from your monitor?
I met an interesting couple when I ran over to the pizza joint for food. They seemed really nice so I invited them back to my room to hang out.
They weren't quite like what I expected.
I got more than I bargained for.
They were swingers.
Very kinky ones.
I just wanted to chill, eat my hot wings and my salad, watch some tv and hang out.
They had other things in mind.
They were a very strange couple.
She decided she liked me and wasn't paying any attention to him... he got jealous and angry.
That's when he went berserk and stormed out of the room.
I followed him and tried to calm him down.
He climbed on top of the Coke machine and started beating it furiously. I had no idea what to do.
That's when he flung himself out the window.
I tried to stop him.
He was just too strong.
He died on the pavement below.
It was a horrible sight to behold.
It was a horrible sight to behold.
I tried to console her, she was terribly distraught.
I don't know If I'll see her again.
I don't know If I'll see her again.
There really wasn't any "plasticy delight" going on in any of those photos. There wasn't any going on at all. I was in a motel on a 4-6 lane highway with nobody to amuse me and no mass transportation... so I walked over to the adult bookstore, raided the clearance rack and managed to amuse myself by creating that strange little story.
The clearance rack in an adult store can be quite interesting. I picked up a few Christmas gifts.
I did leave him hanging from that window, it's a "breezeway" on an upper level that anyone can access. He was gone in the morning. I wonder what people thought.
Hey, I'm gettin kinda old. I hurt. I've decided I need a jacuzzi tub now and then.