I'm sort of pet sitting and house watching for friends. The going back and forth got to be a bit much so I parked my ass in the house. Gee, I look terrible.
I think I'm wearing her daughter's shirt. I don't recall ever seeing her wear it. I'm wearing a shirt with doggies and tulips on it. WTF?
It was simpler than going home for another change of clothes. I like doggies and flowers are nice. Tulips aren't one of my favorites.
There are nine cats in this house. No wonder she seems so stressed sometimes. There's a bunch of stuff going on in many aspects of her life.
Here's some of the kitties. They're terribly adorable! I understand why there are so many... I'd take them home with me if I could. I can barely take care of me.... a bunch of animals is out of the question.
That's Sam by the keyboard. He has a respiratory problem. Wonderful kitty.
Since refrigerators seem to be an in thing... Here's the one where I'm hanging out.
I also saw Blue Man Group tonight. Here's a crappy picture from that show.
Damn Bryan, you do look terrible. I think you might be allergic to cats.
Doggies & tulips on a shirt, together...ugh! I wouldn't be caught dead in that!
IMO, anyone who willingly takes on 9 cats, well, they deserve what they get.
I hope you enjoyed Blue Man Group.
There are usually two dogs as well. They're in a kennel fortunately. I couldn't deal with them as well.
Cat's are easy to care for. (I had two.) With nine it's not so easy.
They eat and eat and eat, consume mass quantities of water... then it all comes out the other end!!
I thought I'd have it easy. No such luck.
Blue Man Group was great. I'll see them over and over. If you have a chance to see them, do it.
I saw the fake Blue Men last night. It was just as good though.
There are at leadt two groups of Blue Men. Last night they were playing here and in Florida.
What's up Bry? Don't listen to handmaiden, I don't think you look terrible. Maybe a little rough around the edges, but not terrible.
That's a LOT of pussy for you to be hangin' around with. I would have expected you to shriek and run out of the house.
I saw the Blue Man Group in Vegas a few years ago. Now that was an awesome show. I'd love to go back and see them again.
Take care pal. I look forward to your posts. I especially liked the picture of you biting the pillow!!
I'm mot a pillow biter. When that sort of sex happens it doesn't happen in that position. On occasions when it has I wasn't biting the pillow.
The Blue Men are very cool.
Actually, when I mentioned someone getting what they deserve taking on 9 cats I really meant their owners not you.
Speaking of dogs. I looked at eugenes blog. he seems esp. fond of dogs.
Hey! I didn't notice any pillow bitting, did i miss something?
Handmaiden apparently so. You must find it. That is your quest.
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