Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I missed the last train.

So I'm here until morning. With the 300893647231 cats.

Here's my arm, a case of water, Gomez (I really like him), my left sneaker and a hamper. Enjoy.


Rita said...

you know what? after all the secrets we've told each other. You still haven't explained that tattoo...

Anonymous said...

I'm almost sure I explained it once. The one on my other forearm is different but it means the same thing.

You still didn't finish your quest to find the pillow biting... and I already have another for you...

You must figure out what that leather bracelet on my wrist really is. I don't use it for it's intended purpose.

Anonymous said...

I'm not looking for a picture of you bitting a pillow, K? I don't want to see that.

I'm guessing the "bracelet" was a collar you lifted from one of those tom cats you were baby-sitting. ☺

Anonymous said...

lol, is's actually a cock ring.

Rita said...

Jesus Bryan!!!!

You know what? I think you are bullshitting me.

Anonymous said...

You wanna see me wearing it? That's really what it is supposed to be. I threw out the package... Oh, wait!

Red's 10-Speed Cock Strap I got mine on clearance.

Arcturus said...

What a cool looking kitty cat ...

P.S. Nearly 301 billion cats??

Anonymous said...

Arcturus, ok, so there were only nine. It seemed like more though.

Rita said...

This was one of my favorite books when I was a little kid.

(yes, i am changing the subject)

Anonymous said...

If I was Wanda I think I'd wanna Gag too. Millions is too many. More than three is too many.

Rita said...

I finally looked at the link you gave.
Interesting, I see that wearing that kind of "bracelet" on your wrist could be a subtle sort of signal...

ha...what if you wore 5 or 6 of them at once?

Anonymous said...

Handmaiden, I had thought of that... that it could be some sort of "signal". I guess it could be.

I'm wearing two of them, one on each wrist. (One is plain leather, the other has those metal bits.)

If it is a "signal" I certainly wont be wearing more than two!!!