Just to prove that the "GRINCH" actually did such a thing...
I have included a picture containing a bit of my forearm/wrist.
Doesn't this look quite festive?
This isn't all of it.
This isn't all of what I had when I took these pictures.
There was more, I just didn't want to be bothered moving it all about to take more pictures.
All of this (some of it not pictured) ended up in five big green trash bags that barely fit into the back of my Dad's car. Trash bags. I know, how tacky. How else was I supposed to move it all?
I had distribted some of the other loot earlier in the week as well.
Wrapping, wrapping, wrapping. Hours and hours spent over a weeks time wrapping.
"You're still wrapping?"
Ummm. Yup.
I even made the ribbon all curly.
Never again. I don't ever want to see ribbons, bows or wrapping paper again.
Yes, that package does say BIOHAZARD. It's for my Cousin. He'll love the wrapping.

Yes, that is electrical tape. It also has this stuck to it. I love the thing that says "Caution Cat Vomit". Unfortunately he wasn't able to make it, so I sent it home with someone to drop off at his Mom's house. He'll get it eventually.

This isn't all of it.
This isn't all of what I had when I took these pictures.
There was more, I just didn't want to be bothered moving it all about to take more pictures.
All of this (some of it not pictured) ended up in five big green trash bags that barely fit into the back of my Dad's car. Trash bags. I know, how tacky. How else was I supposed to move it all?
I had distribted some of the other loot earlier in the week as well.
"You're still wrapping?"
Ummm. Yup.
I even made the ribbon all curly.
Never again. I don't ever want to see ribbons, bows or wrapping paper again.
Yes, that package does say BIOHAZARD. It's for my Cousin. He'll love the wrapping.
Yes, that is electrical tape. It also has this stuck to it. I love the thing that says "Caution Cat Vomit". Unfortunately he wasn't able to make it, so I sent it home with someone to drop off at his Mom's house. He'll get it eventually.
"If we get stopped and they inspect this package we wont get arrested will we?"
LOL. No, you wont, it's all legal. He'll like it.
I guess they didn't get arrested. I would have heard something I think.
Had they been stopped and the package was fully inspected they might have been tho. I put such a bizarre conglomeration of things in that strangely wrapped box.
A "person in authority" might wonder what someone transporting it was up to. It was just an innocent thing and I know they wouldn't get the joke, not knowing my family.
Post 9/11. What a wonderful thing. NOT. Now I have to be worried about giving my Cousin a bunch of weird nonsense. Grrr.
I don't ever want to see ribbons, bows or wrapping paper again. Really? why would that be? ha
It's like childbirth, by next hristmas you'll be ready to do it again.
call me
destructo bob ate your home #
Childbirth? Again? I think not.
I'm going to get a hysterectomy.
Well now you know I have a gun...that only fires on one chamber.
Only a true friend would listen to a baby cry for 5 friggen minutes.
Poor little shaver was having a bad dream.
When did you finally hang up? or fall asleep?
I think I figured our who that Eugene character is. He lies about his location and masks it. It's probably this freak.
Oh that guy is kinda cute. He's young anyway & has a nice smile. I imagine Eugene is not young & is also creepy...
Hey! Arcturus told me he didn't like to dance. He really shouldn't post videos on himself dancing around his "wee efficiency" on the internet!
(lol, Sorry Arc.)
I'm sorry I have neglected your posts lately. Just know you're still on mines mind.
I hope you had a wonderful New Year and may 2008 be glorious for you and your loved ones.
You, you light up mines life....
Take care, friend. I'll check back in on you soon.
Who the fuck are you? Go away you freak.
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