Saturday, December 22, 2007

I would love to do this

I would love to do this. I'm not gonna go by myself, I don't know anybody who would be remotely interested in going though. The only people I know who might enjoy it are hundreds of miles away.

See, it's not all sex toys and perversion on this blog.

Colonial Feast: A Most Unlikely Dinner

Wednesday, December 26th 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Come join George Washington and General Howe, the commander of British forces in America, for a fictitious dinner. What if Washington and Howe had dinner together? The sparks will fly. Imagine the conversation and the attacks, questions and accusations they would launch on each other’s strategies. The ultimate question: Why didn’t Howe eliminate Washington when he had the chance? Do you know the answer? A delightful evening with humorous asides and sharp and pithy arguments performed by the American Historical Theatre. While dinner is being served, Spiced Punch, a dynamic musical quartet accompanied by guitar, fife and penny whistle, will stroll through the dining hall singing Colonial-era songs of love, war and holiday cheer.

Reservations required. Standard admission is $35 per person. Premiere admission (including front tier seating and a private reception before the show) is $75 per person and goes to support all Patriots’ Week programming. Price includes tax and gratuity. Alcoholic beverages are available for purchase.


Anonymous said...

Gosh bryan, I didn't know you were such a geek. :) that does sound like lots of fun. Of course I would go with you if I were there.

Sorry I fell asleep on the phone during our last conversation. Too much wine & turkey...

Anonymous said...

So, I assume you figured out who the one person is then. :-)

Guess who the other one is!

Arcturus said...

I rather doubt Geo. Washington would have gotten into an argument with anyone. That wasn't his style.

$75 and liquor is not included? Booo. But I am glad to see that you are branching out in your daily activities beyond just seedy motels in Bordentown.

What's Patriots' Week?

Anonymous said...

Arcturus, I am multi faceted. I like that sort of thing. I'm not all nonsense and games. Nonsense and games are more fun though.

I let everyone see the happier seeming side of me. That's what ends up here. The happier crazy stuff.

I'm not going. I have nobody to go with. I'd have only sprung for the cheap seats... and yeah, for $75 booze should be included.

Can you guess who the other person I might have liked to have gone with is?

The motel in Bordentown wasn't seedy, it's a national chain. It was quite nice and clean. It was quiet! A bit unsanitary perhaps, nothing the visiual or olfactory senses would notice.

One still cannot be sure what might have happened in one of those tubs though! Hence my own cleaning supplies.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Arc, sorry, I forgot the "Patriot's Week" thing... It's actually more than a week depending on what one might want to do.

The historical activities here get ramped up a few notches this time of year. "Washington" will be crossing the Delaware tomorrow, weather permitting. (!!! He did it in a wooden boat in the snow, don't give me this weather permitting crap.)