I have too much shit. I needed to do something with all my cds so I started putting them in those flat pocketed cases... What to do with all these "jewel cases"?
**looks on internet** They aren't recyclable. Nice. :-(
Donate them to your Library! Sell them on eBay! Nobody want's these cracked nasty things. I have hundreds of them.
The ones I had the time to deal with (pictured here) ended up in the trash. They'll live in some landfill until after one of the next ice ages ends... (or the sun goes nova)... some creature might unearth them and stare at them in awe!
Stupid fucking people. Don't you realize what you're doing? You don't need every next generation thing the second it comes out.
I'm guilty myself. I shouldn't cast stones. I try to do my part though. I'm disgusted by those who just don't seem to care.
The Sun won't actually go "nova" in the sense that a white dwarf star periodically goes "nova," and NOT to be confused with a "supernova."
Rather, the Sun will enter (slowly) red giant phase in about 5 billion years as it starts fusing helium into oxygen and carbon. Actually, it will be a series of expansions and contractions with the swollen Sun a red giant. I suppose you could consider that, loosely speaking, as the Sun's "nova," though it isn't a "nova," properly speaking, nor a supernova.
Read this if you're bored.
In any event, what do you mean you can't recycle CD covers? They're just plastic.
Everything I've found said they aren't regular plastic that can be recycled. They're toxic.
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