Friday, December 7, 2007

More Stupidity

My roots were showing really bad and something needed to be done. I had it colored and got a perm this time.

It's not exactly what I was going for.

Hey, everybody should have a rainbow clown wig. No?

It was a Halloween leftover. I only paid a quarter for it. It scares the heck out of my Dad's dogs. BARK! BARK!! BARK!!! BARK!!!!....

Then I whip it off and toss it into the other room where they can't see it/get to it and they're thrilled to see me. (Is that cruel? Silly dogs. It was worth the 25 cents for the entertainment value.) Dogs are supposed to have a superior sense of smell, they should realize that it's just me.

Maybe they're worried that an alien is eating my brain. I don't think I ever posted a picture of the one dog. He looks like an alien, or an ugly muppet Jim Henson tossed away. I give you Clyde, the ugly muppet reject.

Isn't he the ugliest little thing? His eyes don't bulge out like that, it's just the picure. I had him in my clutches and he wanted to run away and attack his squeaky wiener dog toy.


Rita said...

That picture is very odd. speaking of odd...I had the strangest dream after talking to you last night. It involved you & I talking (nope, no sex or nakedness) about whether certain abstract philosophical concepts should be deep-fried or pan-fried (literally). We were in a room with lots of mischievous children milling about& a baby that kept crawling out to the window ledge(we were on the third floor). There was even a storm raging outside. I'm usually pretty good at dream interpretation but this one has me stumped.

Anonymous said...

Whatever medication you're on, I want some!!!

I don't even want to try to figure out what that dream was about on your end...

I'm imagining it was my dream, trying to figure out what it means if I'd had it. I don't like what I'm coming up with.

Mmmm. I think I know what it means for you. How to explain it?...

The storm is the turmoil, cunfusion about things in general, the men in your life (one in particular).

The baby crawling out the window is you. You need to escape. I assume it kept being rescued somehow. You're afraid that when you do escape you're going to fall, so you kept pulling yourself back in.

Mischevious children? That one is hard to pin down since you're surrounded by them.

It wasn't my dream so I'm guessing here.

I think they might represent your children, the babies, yoursrelf, me, society in gereral.

I don't know what shenannigans they were up to, I didn't dream it.

How'd I do? That make sense? I'm still awake BTW. It's 11 am.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Lookng at that picture, it turned out just right. It totally fits how I'm feeling.

Rita said...

you did a great job with the dream interpretation. jeez i never thot the baby was me but that makes thing i do know is that a house in a dream represents the self. if the house is chaotic the self is.

Rita said...

The picture? yeah, it's you.
I'll call you later. stay cool. :)

Anonymous said...

I might have done better if my Mother's books were still here as reference material. I wonder if she even has them anymore.

Divorces can be interesting. I got the house. I got Dad, he got me, Mom is... well, Mom. Wonderful person. She really is, I'm not just saying that 'cause she's Mom.

Arcturus said...

Do you think you might be just losing your mind, Bryan?

Anonymous said...

Arc, I lost my mind long ago. Probably before I was even concieved in the womb.