Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Water Buffalo?

Apparently I'm helping to feed a water buffalo. I have been assured this is true. Can't I have a picture of the creature as well as the card? What's it's name? I hope they don't just eat it straight off. Can they send me some buffalo jerky? Or maybe some dung?

I guess it's a good cause.

Names witheld/altered in paintbrush for obvious reasons. A water buffalo? They got me a freaking water buffalo? At least the children will have milk I guess.


Rita said...

well, I gave ten dollars to a homeless guy & said it was from you.

& BYW, that comment you left on that post! Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

This was like 20 people @ $20 each. That's one pricey animal.

I have no idea where they got that sort of cash, I really don't. They'll write it off on their taxes though.

Anonymous said...

P.S. You messed up that link... and where the heck is my sculpture anyway?

Marlupe said...

hey bryan- new visitor to your blog. just wanted to say hi!

Anonymous said...

Well Hi back at 'ya marlupe!

fifi said...

hi bryan,
thanks for the nice comment...

I think the water buffalo present is pretty cool. Sure beats a cheese board.

the mother is in surgical-limbo, so to speak, thank you for asking.


Anonymous said...

Fifi, sShe usually get's me something completely insane and totally useless. The water buffalo is a definite improvement.

One of the things I got her this year was a cheap dollar store purse that I filled with 100 orange ping-pong balls. She totally loved it, I'm not kidding!

Of course this woman has about 500 dolls in her attic, one for every person she's ever known. She has tea parties and talks to them as well.

This year she added one for me, against my wishes, she said I could pick my own. If I must dwell in doll-land it will be on my terms.

I got her this bobble-head thing. That's me about age 4.

Arcturus said...

Huh? Where does it mention a water buffalo in that card?

Anyway, Happy New Year, Bryan! I hope 2008 is a good year for you, I really do. Talk to you soon. What are your plans for tonight?

Rita said...

Happy new year to you & Joe!

Anonymous said...

That's the first card she wrote out Arc. She forgot to include the picture of the thing or even mention it. My Dad and I got the cards that were a mistake. Nice.

The cards she filled out after mine have the picture and instead of saying "twenty dollars" it says "one share in a water buffalo" or two shares if she gave it to a couple. I didn't get to see them. Dad supposedly got a copy of that in his email. I'll ask him to fwd: it to me.

I am doing nothing for New Years. Like I have for years. I will sit here alone.

I can't even go to the local fag bar. We don't have any here anymore. Buddie's is no longer a lesbian bar, it's been taken over by Guatamalans. They never were male friendly anyway.

Mill Hill Saloon, while gay friendly is primarily straight. The patrons tend to be more highbrow than I like... and it's always too damned crowded. It'll be awful tonight.

So I shall just sit here by myself with my vodka.

Anonymous said...

handmaiden, Joe is stii in the other room gradually losing air.