Saturday, January 19, 2008

Me and Scooby

Scooby was supposed to be a baby gift for my friend's Niece. He never made it there, I kept him. (I did send another gift. I don't remember what. I think it was baby clothes.)

Scooby has a multiple personality disorder. Somtimes he's just Scooby. Sometimes he's just an additional pillow-like-thing. More often than not, he's a person... sometimes more than one person. I know that may sound nuts...

but if someone you love isn't there... or if you can't be with them... for whatever reason... or you're worried about someone, or something, Scooby's a decent substitute... for hugging... or crying with.

He's nice and furry too. Did I ever mention that I kinda like hairy dudes?


Rita said...

I'm sorry you feel bad & sorry i missed your call last night. I hope everything is better now.?
I had an interesting weekend, too. I've got the apartment! I've not moved yet...but it is ready for me .

I also had a long interview last night with a reporter of the local paper concerning my other blog. I'm not sure how it went. I should of put her off until i'd had time to gather my thoughts. (I'd also had a couple of glasses of wine.) But, how must worse can I be slandered then I already am? I took off a whole comment section over there, because some people were being so mean & rude.

Anonymous said...

Feeling better? I don't know.

If you mean the depression thing, no. That's perpetual.

If you mean the cold... I think so. It's been almost two weeks, I felt better today. I think it's pretty much run it's course.

Congrats on the apartment! You simply must take some naked pistures of yourself lying on the bearskin rug with the lava lamps all lit!


Anonymous said...

Maybe I will just for you. ;]

Eugene said...

You can call me "Scooby" anytime, friend. I'm also considered a hairy li'l guy.

Feel free to drop me a note if you'd like to chat. Until then, I'm sending you a cyber hug.

Anonymous said...

Get away from me you freak! Hairy? That's not hairy, that's repulsive!

Arcturus said...

Uh, oh. Pretty soon you will have a whole menagerie of plush stuffed animals as I do. Is Scooby your Flippo?

What did you get your niece instead?

Anonymous said...

Arc: Thanks for visiting! :)

Your ADD must have kicked in, It was my Best Friend's Nice. (Oh gosh, she five now.)

I got her a couple of pairs of booties, a couple of baby one piece thingies and a bear that would be safe for her to chew on instead.

While Scooby was cute, he was too big for a baby.

I already have a whole menagerie of stuffed animals. I still have my very first Winnie The Pooh from when I was little.

Is Scooby my Flippo? Your guess would be correct. I don't know if he can fly, I've never caught him. He can bend the space-time contiuium, that I do know.

As for his multuple personalities, it's very hard to explain.