I have no idea when this image was taken. It's within the last six months because I'm blonde.. . I just found it on my one phone that I got about a year ago. I was cleaning it out so I could give it to a friend. I only used it for a few hours, once. Apparently I was in a mood in that pic. It suits the mood I'm in now I guess.
Cellphone companies suck. At least it's over. I did the best I could.
I've spent hours over several days getting this done. It's still not done to my satisfaction.
I had two mobile numbers. Back in December I cancelled the second one, why pay for two, right?
"You're contract isn't over yet, are you sure you don't want to keep it? It'll be $200 if you cancel."
**does math in head** "Yes, it'll be $350 if I keep it, just close it."
"If you find someone to take over your contract in 60 days you won't have to pay the fee Sir!"
"Cool. OK, Thanks."
I have spent so much time on the phone with these assholes. At least 3/4 of a day in total. I called to transfer posession of my number/contract. They let it into a pool of unused numbers. I can't transfer it. They will assign me a new number. Fine.
Am I wrong in assuming they would give me another local number? They gave me one that was over 50 miles away! (Good thing I checked) Not EVERYONE uses or has a cell. Long distance charges ARE AN ISSUE. Idiots. There are people on limited incomes that can't afford a long distance call. I made sure my numbers were local for that very reason.
I ended up with another number what will suffice, but during all of this they sent my friend a new phone that she had to refuse delivery on. Kept me on the phone for hours, still locked HER into a new contract, on top of mine, (w/ no new phone) gave me the run around... I am not happy. I've also bought two slightly pricey phones from them outright. Paid for. No effect on a contract. I couldn't even get some sort of rebate. That sucks.
I did get to talk to a nice gay man in customer service though. That was the only good part. He was very helpful. How do I know he was gay? I just knew, ok. I didn't flirt with him until the call was almost completely over. I could tell he was flattered, the silly giggle also confirmied it. Yup, he likes guys. I wish him well.
Gee. I just talked to my friend. There's a rat in her house. Lovely, just lovely.
Oh, look. Mercury is in retrograde (for you astrology buffs), no wonder there's problems.
I miss my computer.....................................
I didn't do it.
Hey! I'm back online!
Happy ♥ Day to you!
Fuck You! :-)
I had the same stupid Motorola cellphone for like 4 years, same expired contract with Verizon for like 2 years...I renewed my contract and for $35 got myself into a sleek new RAZR type cellphone. I guess it pays to stay with your old cellphone for years.
Oh don't be surly...it's unbecoming.
I am Bryan. Nothing More. You get what you get. Nothing More.
I'm entilted to be surly this week. I'm turning 367,985.
I hope you are feeling better now...you know there is not a damn thing you can do about it, anyway. Except botox, liposuction, etc...
It looks to me like you enjoyed your weekend very much, I think you left the 30's with the right amount of **bang** (well, there is one thing you should of gotten for you birthday *wink*)
Oh shut up. I'm busy masturbating.
MCM: Yeah, you're better off with the same company. I've had really good service, but the did fuck me over when I was eligible for my free upgrade.. way after my contract expired. I could have paid a few extra bucks and gotten another razr. They didn't offer me that & I didn't think to ask.
I'd still be ahead of them with the phone game if I hadn't been robbed twice and needed a new phone. They replaced those minus the deductable.
One of these razr phones I won from Pepsi, I got 2 other used ones on eBay for cheap, so I'm about even costwise.
Cheer up, Bryan. It will get better.
I once had a $300 problem with Verizon that involved the fact I failed to send back a used phone after they gave me a replacement. It was under my repair warranty. Fortunately, I kept the old phone and was able to get it back. But before that -- I didn't know if that was going to happen or not -- I fought the charge as high as I could. Eventually, I called Verizon corporate HQ in the Great State of New Jersey (!) and I was able to resolve it at that level. But then the charge was removed a second time when they got my old phone, so I briefly had a $180 credit before it all sort of evened out to zero.
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