Here's a song by "Keane". I like it, might have to get that.
Gotta kiss a few frogs before you find the Prince.
So, here I am with my newest acquisition. Frog hats!!!!!
Why you ask? I have no idea. I'm just strange. Most of the people I know are strange in some fashion.
These crappy cellphone pictures do not do them justice at all. They're really quite fun and silly.
It's not easy being green. Just ask Kermit.
I've been feeling a little blue lately.
"I'll have a Blue Christmas without you....."
"Blue Moon, I saw you standing alone..."
Dang, I look like a doofus dork in that pic. That's ok. I am a doofus, I'm wearing a silly frog hat after all!!! Not my most flattering "self portrait", my nose looks huge....
Heck, to put it nicely...... I look serverely mentally challenged in that pic. I can't be bothered with taking another. That one will have to do, even if I do look like the autistic person who might live in your neighborhood.
Different is good.
My new blogger acquaintance Gretchen made them at my request. Here's a pic she took before she sent them to me.
I have a few of the things she makes and I'm quite pleased. I've given them as gifts too and they were a hit. The "oversize wrap" she makes is great as a throw blanket. That's what I use mine for, I can't very well traipse around town in a frog hat w/ blue hair wearing that. They'd clash!
I do soooo have a thing for cowboys. These are nice. Smell wonderful.
How cute they are! I like the green one best. It's the most froggy! be careful crossing the Hiway with those on.
I wanted tropical/rainforest looking frogs! Hence the blue and rainbow ones.
Oh. My. God.
my children are asking me whats so funny.
Really, what can I say?
I agree. What does one say? lol
I'm hoping I remember to take them out at the right moment.
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