Friday, May 30, 2008

One must accessorize!!

I don't think I'll wear them all at once... even tho I am at the moment.

The one is an ankh. I have an anhk/eye tattooed on my back. I have an eye on my chest, wearing a silver ankh around my neck helps give balance.

I've got some miniature "brass" knuckles. They're "ornamental". You could actually hurt someone with them tho. I figured out how to put them on.

You'd break your own hand if you used them, but you could cause a whole lot of damage to someone while breaking your hand.

I got the "knuckles" because they help with the odd vibe I wish to give out.

I'll use my pepper spray and accidentally incapacitate everyone before I use those.

I'd walk away first if given a choice. I'm really not confrontational... But sometimes you don't have a choice. **sigh**

That other thing? That's an international symbol that means "BIOHAZARD"

I think it looks cool, and if it somehow keeps assholes away from me, that's good.... but I sometimes have odd colored hair and look a bit like a heavy meatal dude. . so it could work the wrong way and attract insane people.

I accidentally went to a park hosting "Ozzfest" once. People thought I looked cool and wanted to hang out. I got out of there real quick!!!!

On the reverse side.... I have psoriasis. Sometimes it looks really bad. Really bad times 2. So people might recognize the symbol and think I really am a biohazard.



fifi said...

hey, almost synchronised! nice to hear from you...

that biohazard commentary just made me lol.

love it.

(not so keen on the knuckleduster, but the biohazrd: love it. Ramp up the psoriasis, I say.

Anonymous said...

I don't really like the "knucles" either. It really isn't me and might actually cause a fight.

Do you know an infant who needs a pair? Dad getting bonked in the head might win some cash on one of those "Funniest Video" shows!

fifi said...

oh, there's a market, right there. My kid accidentally banged my head and nearly knocked out my teeth so perhaps kiddies can cause damage without them. ..

do you really cry? thats sweet. I am such an emo. Tis nice to have you visit whether you comment or not.

bless you, your blue hair, and your biohazard.

I'm not sure that there aren't more objects you could hang around your neck, you know.

I am trying to write a small article on Ice and The Sublime and am only to eager to be distracted....

Anonymous said...

Your writing by itself elicits emotion, add in the pictures and, well...

I'm either bouncing around with happiness like Snoopy from the "Peanuts" cartoons... or I'm a puddle of mush, wanting to ball myself up in a corner.

Take it as a compliment.

fifi said...

I did.
Thank You.