Look at those sexy pouty lips! I just want to kiss them!! NOT.
Forget the Botox ladies!!!
All you need to do is accidentally touch your lips when you have BATTERY ACID on your fingers!
I quickly washed my hands, rinsed my lips, wet a washcloth and gently blotted them.
Then I brushed my teeth, threw the toothbrush out and called poison control. (I didn't press one, that's for life threatening emergencies. I waited on hold.)
"Did you ingest any?"
"Not really, here's what I did...."
"You did the right thing. There isn't any major blistering or
"No, it's swollen and stings. My toungue is a little numb but it looks ok. I think I'll be fine, I just wanted to check."
"You should put some first aid cream on. Bacitracin, Neosporin, burn cream. It's the alkali from the batteries that caused the reaction. If you have any further symptoms call us right back or go to the emergency room."
Five hours later and I'm not hallucinating or vomiting, my face hasn't fallen off... so I guess I'm ok.
I told her I was changing the batteries in one of my tv remote controls... she didn't need to know I was really changing the batteries in a sex toy.
Take care of yourself for crying out loud! They should put warnings on those things. Perhaps you could sue? it would make a great national news story...
A warning on what? Sex toys are basically use at your own risk type things. (it wasn't anything crazy, just a vibrator)
Everybody with half a brain should know battery acid is caustic and toxic and to watch their kids around such things.
I just wasn't thinking. I changed the nasty cruddy evil batteries, cleaned the thing with a paper towel... then took a puff off my cigarette.
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
Who would I sue? Myself?
Somehow I seem to have lost a comment. I told it to publish. I did!! No idea where it went. **scratches head**
Brian: All you need to do is accidentally touch your lips when you have BATTERY ACID on your fingers!
QF: I would recommend a hot sauce with a really high scovile rating, maybe, but not battery acid.
It's not like I wanted to fry my lips with battery acid. Sheesh...
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