Random. Long. Not necessarilly in the right order. Read on.

I had to go foraging for food the other day. It turned into a very long trek.
Seems there aren't any cash/ATM machines in my neighborhood anymore.
I did find one close by. It would only give me $20 at a time and wanted 1.75 to do it.
(All the others were "broken".)

Fuck that shit!
So I ended up walking two miles until I found one that worked and took out $300 bucks.
That'll last me a while and I only got charged a 1.50 fee.
I should have gone to that one in the first place. Stupid me.
I almost gave up... but I was hungry, my Dad wanted a fish sandwich and I had promised his doggies cheeseburgers.
I encountered this beautiful lilac tree along the way.
(It's been there for decades. It was that big 25 years ago.)
The whole block smelled wonderful. It wasn't a stinky smell. I generally don't like the smell of lilac, this was perfect though.

Here's a rather odd picture of the doggies.
It was jump on Bryan time and they were having fun.
I tried to get a proper picture, I really did!
Clyde is chomping on his duckie. Jake (see his butt?) has the goose.
HONK! HONK!! They're good dogs, but they totally destroy their toys, especially the ones that honk or squeak.
That's one nice thing about hanging out with Dad. There's more than one nice thing... I get to play with doggies that aren't my responsibility, enjoy the giant flatscreen tv... and best of all, I get to hang out with him.. I love my Dad. He's a great guy.
On my trek for food I finally managed to get some.
I stumbled into MickeyD's, ordered a bunch of crap and fell into a seat so I could eat some of mine while it was hot....
Then I see this. **THUD**
Almost fell out of my seat. The boy was hot.

I had to go foraging for food the other day. It turned into a very long trek.
Seems there aren't any cash/ATM machines in my neighborhood anymore.
I did find one close by. It would only give me $20 at a time and wanted 1.75 to do it.
(All the others were "broken".)

Fuck that shit!
So I ended up walking two miles until I found one that worked and took out $300 bucks.
That'll last me a while and I only got charged a 1.50 fee.
I should have gone to that one in the first place. Stupid me.
I almost gave up... but I was hungry, my Dad wanted a fish sandwich and I had promised his doggies cheeseburgers.
I encountered this beautiful lilac tree along the way.
(It's been there for decades. It was that big 25 years ago.)
The whole block smelled wonderful. It wasn't a stinky smell. I generally don't like the smell of lilac, this was perfect though.

Here's a rather odd picture of the doggies.
It was jump on Bryan time and they were having fun.
I tried to get a proper picture, I really did!
Clyde is chomping on his duckie. Jake (see his butt?) has the goose.
HONK! HONK!! They're good dogs, but they totally destroy their toys, especially the ones that honk or squeak.
That's one nice thing about hanging out with Dad. There's more than one nice thing... I get to play with doggies that aren't my responsibility, enjoy the giant flatscreen tv... and best of all, I get to hang out with him.. I love my Dad. He's a great guy.
On my trek for food I finally managed to get some.

I stumbled into MickeyD's, ordered a bunch of crap and fell into a seat so I could eat some of mine while it was hot....
Then I see this. **THUD**
Almost fell out of my seat. The boy was hot.
17 or 18 year old dude having lunch with his Mom after soccer practice. He was WELL over six feet.
He was nice and polite to everyone (me too!) attentive to his Mom, (Do you need...?? I'll get you another napkin Mom.) He ate healthy too!!! As healthy as as one can when eating fast food.
I'm a fag, so I have some gaydar going on here and there. I'm usually a good judge of people in general, so I guess the gaydar picks up other frequencies as well. He's not gay. Very nice kid. I hope he stays nice.
17 or 18 year old dude having lunch with his Mom after soccer practice. He was WELL over six feet.
He was nice and polite to everyone (me too!) attentive to his Mom, (Do you need...?? I'll get you another napkin Mom.) He ate healthy too!!! As healthy as as one can when eating fast food.
I'm a fag, so I have some gaydar going on here and there. I'm usually a good judge of people in general, so I guess the gaydar picks up other frequencies as well. He's not gay. Very nice kid. I hope he stays nice.

I had to go to the post office the other day. Rather than walk back thru the seedier sections of town where I could get killed I went through one of the Historic Districts.
<<---- This is very sad. You'd have to see it in person to see how sad it is. That's the home of Alexander Douglass, Quartermaster in General Washington's Army. The man fought in the Revolutionary War darn it. That house shouldn't be in this state of disrepair.

Here's a rather large statue depicting Washington crossing the Delaware.
It's the usual sort of image you see. Proud, brave, standing upright, leading his men to victory...
Did 'ya ever notice he looks pretty clean and warm? I know my history.. there's no way he looked like that.
He was the General, so he got preferential treatment but he was dirty, hungry and freezing his ass off too.
**sigh** all those poor soldiers. War is stupid.

That's the Mill Hill Playhouse.
It's an old Lutheran church. I can't date it. I should have looked for a cornerstone but I didn't think to.
I'm sure it dates back to the mid 1800's at least.
Back, Back, way back...
Well, here's a better picture of my back. My new tats.
It's kind of hard to take a picture of your back.
Try it sometime.
The one up top is a Celtic knot design.
There is some confusion about them. Did they ever really mean anything? Were they just decorative?? Religious? It's been used/changed over time in so many ways... we'll never know it's original meaning for certain.
I know what mine means. I can't tell you. If I did I'd have to kill you.
The other one is Egyptian, an ankh with the Eye of Horus. (I have an eye on my chest too, it's different tho) There's symbolism and meaning there too. I know what they mean to me.
Here are some random pictures of Mill Hill...
It's very pretty.

I had to go to the post office the other day. Rather than walk back thru the seedier sections of town where I could get killed I went through one of the Historic Districts.
<<---- This is very sad. You'd have to see it in person to see how sad it is. That's the home of Alexander Douglass, Quartermaster in General Washington's Army. The man fought in the Revolutionary War darn it. That house shouldn't be in this state of disrepair.

Here's a rather large statue depicting Washington crossing the Delaware.
It's the usual sort of image you see. Proud, brave, standing upright, leading his men to victory...
Did 'ya ever notice he looks pretty clean and warm? I know my history.. there's no way he looked like that.
He was the General, so he got preferential treatment but he was dirty, hungry and freezing his ass off too.
**sigh** all those poor soldiers. War is stupid.

That's the Mill Hill Playhouse.
It's an old Lutheran church. I can't date it. I should have looked for a cornerstone but I didn't think to.
I'm sure it dates back to the mid 1800's at least.
Back, Back, way back...
Well, here's a better picture of my back. My new tats.

Try it sometime.
The one up top is a Celtic knot design.
There is some confusion about them. Did they ever really mean anything? Were they just decorative?? Religious? It's been used/changed over time in so many ways... we'll never know it's original meaning for certain.
I know what mine means. I can't tell you. If I did I'd have to kill you.
The other one is Egyptian, an ankh with the Eye of Horus. (I have an eye on my chest too, it's different tho) There's symbolism and meaning there too. I know what they mean to me.
Here are some random pictures of Mill Hill...

I should know the history.
All of it.
I don't.
I couldn't scrounge up the $500 deposit I needed. I could have managed to pay the rent... I'd have had to eat nothing but ramen noodles and hot dogs, but I could have done it. I shudder to think what an apartment costs there now.
I would have been a good tennant.

I might have gotten away from that one asshole who helped me ruin parts of my life.
Probably not though, he was one tenacious motherfucker. He'd have found me somehow. Everybody deserves a second chance, but beware of dating convicts. (No, it wasn't Jon. That's a whole seperate mess.)
You can see two people at the end of the street.
I work on the same floor with one of them. I think he's really nice looking, seems like a great guy. Definitely out of my league tho.
He listens to NPR, he's handsome and cultured.... Nah, we prolly couldn't even be friends... He's perfect "husband" material from my point of view. I really don't know him though. I wish him luck, if he's the kind of guy he seems to be, he deserves somebody special in his life. He might have one. I don't know.
If I wasn't so screwed up I'd like to know him better, but I wouldn't do that to the guy. I listen to Howard Stern, I drink too much. I'm an idiot, etc... blaa, blaa, blaa.
I wonder if he knows I'm gay. I'm not actually "out" and don't want to be. I'm certainly unusual, that's for sure. If he doesn't know then his "gaydar" is off, or my complete strangenss helps hide it.
Ooohh! Here's Mini Nun!
She was scary. She sort of remided me of the little woman from the movie "Poltergiest".
Look at the poor woman's size. Use the car as a refrence to judge the size. She's tiny.
That's not her church. I didn't follow her to see where she went off to... Dad says he sees her all the time.
That church is a block away from me. It's for sale. For a million dollars you get the church, the rectory, the convent and the parking lot.
I'd buy it and live in the bell tower, like the Hunchback of Notre Dame... I don't have the million dollars though.
Ok, this is way too much. Bye.
Very interesting stroll bryan. Thanks for taking us along. Gosh a fast food hamburger sounds good right about now . It's only 6:00 pm here, I could go out for something, except I burnt myself good in a tanning bed today & am laying around in nothing but a loose tee shirt, slathered in Aloe Vera gel. Woe is me!
The walk back home thru Mill Hill happened because I was sending someone... something.
Almost naked & covered in aloe? That sounds like fun, except for the burny ouchy part.
I've been wanting to try a tanning bed (uv rays sometimes help psoriasis), but it'll take me at least 45 minutes to get back and forth to one.
OHHHHH, I see....
Well if you use a tanning bed, do be careful...my problem was trying to speed things by going too many minutes at once. This is miserable! It's hard to get comfortable when you ass is burnt red.
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