Do not doubt me my friend. I am not a liar.
Why the heck would I lie about having Pink Eye?
I think it's an allergic reaction to my Dad's dogs. That's not contagious. You can get it from all sorts of enviornmental causes.
I did take a battleship tour recently. There have been school trips on the ship constantly the last two months. Germy little kids. That kind is contagious, it's viral. I might have picked it up there.
I think I'm over the worst part. It itches a tiny bit. I've been running around with my eyedrops, hand sanitizer and Clorox ™ wipes so as not to infect anyone.

I also Lysoled™ the entire house. I think I'm pretty germ free.
I just found those on my phone (that I have also gently sanitized many times).
These are from 6-27-08. It was much more evident then. Please note the swelling and redness. Yes. I have pinkeye. I should be done with it soon.
Generally, it lasts 7-10 days without professional medical treatment... Unless it's the bacterial kind. Then you have to get your ass... well, your eyes to the doctor or hospital right away.
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