I've stayed at the Marriott.
I've stayed at the Hilton.
I stayed at the Borgata once.
I've stayed in complete dumps.
I've slept in cemetaries.
I've slept in abandoned vehicles.
I always manage to do it right.
I'm all wet there.
Guess why.
That's because THIS is just down the hall from me.
There's nobody here but my friend and I.
The place is empty.
So what if it's next to a truck stop.
Do I care that it's near a turnpike exit?
I certainly do not.
It's quiet.

We have a king size bed.
We have a jacuzzi.
Free high speed internet.
The best free breakfast I've ever had.
And an empty indoor heated pool down the hall.
All to ourselves.
And there's a Wendy's a block away.
With many hot truckers going in and out.
G'bye for now. We're going in the pool again.
Then we might need to use the riding crop again as well.

OMG! you're the one in the audience tonight with the riding crop? I'll be looking for you.
That really looks Like fun.
The pool silly, not the riding crop.
Riding crops can be quite fun. It doesn't have to actually hurt.
We exploded my inflateable dildo/butt plug last nighr. It made quite a bang!!!
It was the size of a very large cantelope..... or a triple x tittie.
No, it wasn't inserted when we made it explode.
quite a quantum leap from tropicana orange juice.
There was orange juice too. Fresh fruit as well. It might not have been fresh, but it tasted fresh. MMMMM pulp! Juicy!!!
Riding crop, eh - is there a horse involved?
tattooless: No animals were harmed. Only my inflateable vibrating dildo thing was injured.
Let me restate, it was not inserted anywhere. We just wanted to see how big it got before it would explode.
It got fucking huge!!
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