Why are people so stupid?
A 4-5 year old boy who lives down the street from me fell out of a second story window this evening. Onto cement.
He's a nice little kid. I see him and his sister with their mom (I assume) when I leave for work in the morning.
They both wave and say hi.
His sister almost fell out the window as well, trying to grab him, from what I'm told. (She's 1 - 1 & 1/2 years older.)
I didn't see it happen. She could have pushed him for all I know.
I'm glad I didn't see it happen. I would have completely freaked out.
I think I would have had the presence of mind to call 911 though.... like my neighbor did. She has nursing training. She called 911.
She ran out of her house with clean towels and stayed by the boy until help came. Help came very quickly.
I can't say more. What I overheard was too much. I can't say things I do not know as fact.
Police radios can be very loud.
There will be an investigation.
That house will be empty within a week, no doubt about it.
**Update** Some of this is from what I would call a reliable source. Some from what I saw/overheard.**
When the emergency services got there there, nobody would answer. The police kicked in the door.
The boy was lying on the sidewalk screamimg at the top of his lungs!! I heard it inside my house down the street!!
The father was completely, passed out drunk and was taken away in handcuffs. There were 3 other men in the house.
I think there were more... they just escaped out the back. There were at least 10 people living in that house. Probably illegals.
They're gone. Told you they'd be gone by the weekend.... Well not quite gone, the grandparents are dragging stuff out of the house and taking it away as I type.
One of the officers mentioned drugs.
It made the paper. A little blurb.
Boy, 2, hospitalized after fall from second floor in Trenton
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
TRENTON -- A toddler was rushed to the regional trauma
center last night after he fell out a second floor window.
The fall took place about 8 p.m. at a home in the 100 block of Genesee Street, emergency officials said.
The child, described as a 2-year-old boy, fell more than a dozen feet, officials said, noting that the boy appeared to have suf fered leg injuries but did not lose consciousness.
He was rushed by ambulance to the trauma unit at Capital Health System at Fuld hospital.Information about his condition was not available last night. The circumstances of the fall were under investigation last night by police and city building inspectors.
That's so sad.
Please update us on the little guy if you find out anything.
oh, awful. just awful.
Yikes. It sounds like the boy will be OK, though. I wonder if he's illegal, though, will he be deported even if his dad is in jail. How exactly would that work? Do they put a 2 year old in handcuffs and take him across the border? Or does Lou Dobbs start haranguing him hysterically?
When you sent that picture to me on my cellphone, I thought i was of a peaceful sunset ... I couldn't tell what it was.
The boy's bones are mostly ok. He has a broken femur.
They don't deport anybody anymore Regulus! They might if they were a mass murderer.
The articles in today's local rags are both incomplete and inaccurate, of course.
I don't think our phones will play nicely together. I'll have to send you an obvious picture and you tell me what you get..... This crazy thing takes pix @ 1200 x 1600 resolution! That's a bit much.
Not to be argumentative, but people most certainly do get deported. Read this little tale from The New York Times.
Your cellphone messages were all screwed up, arriving in groups with simple sentences broken up. You may want to figure out what's up with that. And, no, I don't think my phone would do well with an image of that resolution, which means you're going to send it to me anyway, right?
I read about that Regulus. It's a horrible travesty.
Sorry about the messages. The new phone is insane.
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