I'll leave the politics up to the other bloggers. They do it better.
I wanted Hillary. I'll settle for Obama.
Don't get me started on Palin.... well, you can't, I don't talk politics. I'll just excuse myself and walk away from you, whatever side you're on.
My friend and I are seeing Cirque Du Soleil on saturday. Should be good. The seats look like they're great (on the chart). Hopefully I'll get some good pics with my phone.

Hey, Regulus! Come stalk me! **wink** I'll be staying just down the street from the Greek diner! Bring some swim trunks for the jacuzzi!!! I'll take you to the pizza joint where they make GOOD food. We can also go to the gross adult bookstore and stare at the creepy perverts!!
I guess I'm a bit of a creepy pervert myself. I've been in there often enough...
Not ever to "hook up" with anybody. Just to browse the porn, buy some, get things for friends that were too embarrassed to go in such a place. That sort of thing.
The clearance bin at a porn store can be quite interesting and fun!! Imagine the looks on the faces of your friend's when they open their gift and its a.... never mind. (I always buy something appropriate though. I do, honest)
I once talked to the guy at the register..... I was bored and the place was almost empty. He had just come back from cleaning the bathroom. He said it's a really gross job (as one might imagine), and lots of strange people come in. (haha)
If I have the opportunity to talk to him again I need to ask him why he works there and what he gets paid. Maybe he's the owner.
Ooohhh. I forgot about this! A brief uncomfortable moment! Once, I was walking out and someone who works in my building was walking in!!!! We don't know each other, but recognition was there. I held the door for him. lol
I must admit your offer sounds oddly appealing, although I'd prefer a slightly nicer hotel with a decent room and a functioning air conditioner and then the cheap diner. Not sure about who would like like the creepy pervert lurking around a "gross adult bookstore."
You really know how to show someone a good time!
Unfortunately, without a car, it really would be difficult to get around the state if we wanted to get out of the Newark - Trenton - Camden axis of despair.
Enjoy your Cirque Du Soleil show. I'm sure you'll be able to take some surreptitious pictures.
The air conditioning there works quite well! The king size bed has many pillows so we'd have snuggly bits that actually didn't require us being naughty, and prevent us from doing something we might regret.
As long as YOU didn't bring some freak back from the "bookstore" we'd be perfectly safe!
Transportation is the problem.
I find your posts quite intriguing.
There must be a theory as to why some people link up in blogworld.
I would sort of feel a bit lonely if you ran off.
Now, that would be sweet if you two hooked up (as long as I didn't have to read the gory details) but on that note I would just , well, not read them. So feel free.
I wonder if your neighbour had a shopping spree in the clearance bin.
ha ha! Well, I see your sense of humor is intact.
Haven't you seen these Cirque Du Soleil group once before? I thought i remember you blogging about them once...I could probably go look in your archives but I'm too lazy.
I'm the type of person that would enjoy lurking outside a porn shop, sniggering & pointing at the people going in. But, I have no desire to go in one, myself. It would be a great place to buy gag gifts, though...
Oh, & I don't mean "gag" literally.
I'm not that kind of person!
Fifi: Thank you. My posts are quite odd and insane and complete crap though. It's fact.
You wouldn't miss me at all if I disappeared, but thank you for saying that.
As for me and Regulus "hooking up" it's probably not ever gonna happen. I think I freak him out a bit and it's about a 4 hour round trip for either of us.
As for actual, real "hooking up", I'm not looking for that. Not with him or anyone else. I'd just like to hang out and watch movies with him, that sort of thing. We like a bunch of the same things.
Actual "hooking up" would require nakedness. That's not gonna happen. I hate seeing myself naked, I'm not getting naked with him.... even though I'd kind of like to.
I would SO miss you. I am not being kind.
Well, naked or not, I am sure you two would get on.
Well actually, I am not sure if anything to be honest.
I have seen Cirque du Soleil, they are wonderful. I love the guy who plays the miniature trumpet with his bottom.
hello handmaiden.
Thanks to Al Gore and his invention of "the internet" - my desire to visit porn stores has disappeared.
I do still like to go with my wife (and sometimes her friends) to those sex boutique type stores where you can get sex toys, lingerie, etc.
As far as politics, the only good thing to come of this recent Wall Street meltdown is that Americans get to see how McCain bumbles thru a crisis while Obama remains calm and offers sound economic advice.
F-Sarah Palin and her "first dude" hubby and stupid 17 year-old pregnant daughter. Bwwwaaaahhha.
Handmaiden: No, we went to see Ringlimg Brothers & Barnum Bailey. This was very diffrernt.
Go on You Tube and look up Cirque Du Soleil Saltimbanco. There's some clips on there.
Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures or video. *frown* I got busted with my phone immediately.
"Put that away! No pictures!!"... so I did. I kept it away too. I wasn't getting us kicked out of the front row seats I paid 200 bucks for.
It was really freaking cool.
TF: Come on, sleazy, gross porn stores can be fun!! I find those boutique style ones a bit boring. They're overpriced too!!
Sometimes I can get exactly what I'm looking for in one of those nasty places for 1/3 the price of a "boutque" site place or an internet site.
OMG, you censored me!!
where did my fine and excellent comment go? i am sure i left one. Oh well never mind.
I didn't censor you! Your comment sort of fell to the side, so to speak.
only kidding.
Ok, I freak'n lied. I would go to a sleazy porn shop w/you. It would be fun. I would also go w/my BF but, he wouldn't stick his big toe in one of those places. Cooties, ya know.
Handmaiden: He really is no fun then is he? Some insanity is definitely good in my opinion!
I did talk to the check out guy. Didn't get much out of him. He makes minimum wage, and it is a really gross job!! Nights when nobody comes in are really good. he sits there and gets paid.
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