All I know is that he's hot. Very nice on the eyes. I shall investigate a tiny bit. Hmmm... All I can see is that he seems to be an uber hot model. And he models it quite well.
I like his name too, for obvious reasons. Here's Bryan Thomas. That's what I'm supposed to look like. Unfortunately I don't. That Bryan stole my good lookingness! How dare he!! <--- green with envy
Handmaiden, sorry, but I think Officer Bryan"t"lost his desktop wallpaper status for the time being. Can you blame me? **fan's self delicately** I think I need a cold compress. Damn he's hot.

Hmmm, not my type.
I like guys that are geeky & brainy. He doesn't look real mentally stimulating. Got any of those?
I don't mean to be a prude but, Thank God he's wearing underpants!
Well, he is an underwear model. Of course he's wearing underpants!
I''m hoping some really naughty gay vidieo of him is out there. I'd certainly let him wrestle me to the ground and have his way with me.
Mentally stimulating? He most certainly is. I can thinl of all sorts of things I'd do to him... and want him to do to me!!
That's a vision of perfection right there.
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