Friday, October 24, 2008

I always liked him

I've always liked Ron Howard.

Right now I want to give him a big giant hug.

You can guess who I'm voting for. It has nothing to do with Opie, even though I still think he's cute now that he's older and bald.

We need the change. This can't continue. Vote Obama. How much worse can things get? He might fix it.

Do you really want that insane seeming woman one breath away from the Presidency?

And while you're at it.... Please vote NO! on Proposition 8. If you can't vote, please show your support somehow.


Rita said...

love it bry! I'm linking it!

Bryan said...

Good. Now go support NO! to prop8. **sigh**

Rita said...

prop8? Jeez bryan, I've been working all summer to promote NO votes on 6 Oregon ballot measures that do not contain workable solutions & do not further the cause of democracy. One state at a time, please. Actually, at the moment, local Coquille city politics is about all I can handle, anyway.

The fuckers are slamming me.

BTW, Now I'm a "drug addict", according to my detractors,
because I appose mandatory drug testing for city government workers.

I'm so glad I can vent to you.

Bryan said...

Just you wait. When they find out about your addiction to fresh air and clean water, then you'll be in real trouble!

Heaven forbid they discover the sinful literature you read!! Why would one want to stimulate their mind? Be educated? You'll be burned at the stake.