I want one!!!
(pics get bigger if you click them)

I don't know why.

Hey, we're supposed to recycle.
This person is on to something!!
What it is, I'm not sure.

Look, how festive that is!!
Somebody pointed out that the 2 liter bottle tree topper might be a fire hazard.
It's not a fire hazard if they did it right.
I've made lamps from 2 liter bottles. They can be quite amusing. People look at them and go "What the Fuck?" "How did you do that?" "What the hell were you smoking? I want some!"
It's all in the wiring and wattage and all that technical glop. It's really very simple. Stick a 15 watt bulb in there and it lights up very well. That thing looks like it has too much wattage.
I hope they used white Christmas lights. Good ones, not dollar store shit. You could also throw a bunch of glowsticks in the bottle instead.
See, now here you thought I was just a fag! I am that, there is no doubt. But I can make things, build stuff... I laid my own patio! I ain't one of them prissy queers! lol
I could quite easily make one of THOSE!!
My god, I am forwarding this immediately to the sustainablility department!
You're on to something here!
Who said you were a prissy fag? hahah! I'm sure you aren't!
I'd have never thought to make something like that.
I am a bit prissy. I do soo love long soaks in a jacuzzi with bubblebath!!
Not a big Mt Dew fan.
But a tree made out of Diet Coke cans? I could certainly handle that.
who doesn't??
Gretchen: You're very handy and creative! I'm suprised you don't already have one!
Perhaps you're making one right now?
Fifi: What a shame you live in such a far and distant place. I could use another friend to hang out in motel roms with a jacuzzi.
Purely platonic of course.
I also pack my own cleaning supplies. Lord knowd what might have gone on in those things. Ewwwww!!!
One made with Vodka bottles would be even prettier.
Here's a toast to baby Jesus!
Unfortunately, I certainly could make a vodka bottle tree. Perhaps I will. A simpler version of that tree though... Just some glue, tape and some cheap lights.
Be sure to use green duct tape, so it won't be tacky looking :)
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