Hey dad? Why is there a couch on top of your car?
Oh good! You're here! I need your help!!! I couldn't get a hold of your brother.
So he quickly removed both of his front doors with his power drill/screwdriver as I stood there bewildered and dismayed.
Come on! This'll be easy!
It wasn't that easy. Tilt it!! No not that way! Go the other way!! Is your leg under there? I'll lift here, you pull it out! I can't dad, I'm stuck!! Just don't move it OK? I don't wanna get crushed. *manages to move couch and cautiously removes leg*
Darned thing was freaking heavy. I also sustained a minor hand injury.
Oh darnit, you're hurt! I didn't mean to do that to you! Are you OK?
I'll be fine dad. What the hell did you need a couch for? *blood dripping down my arm*
I wanted a new one and this one was nice.
It's now a tiny bit soiled. There's a bit of my blood on it. Not where it can be seen.
Sacrifice? Cosmic significance? I almost died under this couch for Humanity's Sins!
It's sort of ugly. It's very comfy though. I tried it out, in various positions.
It isn't exactly"new" either. It's in "almost new" condition. He got it at the Salvation Army store.
The price tag was originally $150. It got marked down... $100, 80, 60, 45, 30.
It's ugliness can be overlooked, especially since it's so comfy.....
He paid $11.47 for the darned thing! Yes, twelve dollars for a perfectly good (slightly ugly) sofa. Can't beat that!!
Where the heck did they come up with such a seemingly arbitrary price? $11.47???
He got me this.
It's a "plasma globe" light. It's cool looking just lit up, but if you touch it or move your hands around near the globe the "lightning" effects change.
I've wanted one for ages but it's a stupid thing to spend money on.
He paid $5 for it. Retail they go for, like 30 bucks.
He almost got a recliner for $10, but he doesn't have room for one. If it was anywhere near the condition the couch is in it's a deal.
One man's trash is another's treasure.
Putting the front doors back was a real pain in the ass.
Yes, I'm sitting in the dark with my new thingie while on the computer. This thing is cool. Worth $5.
Whoa you scared me for a minute! All that talk about dying & bleeding...So did you have to help get rid of the old couch, too?
I am going to be moving soon. In with my daughter when we find the right house. I hate moving & esp. moving furniture.
Maybe I'll find some hunky guy to help.
EWWW! is this gross or what?!
I was pinned under the couch. If he had tried to move it I might have a broken leg. Yes, I did end up bleeding quite a bit at one point.
Disposing of the old couch was easy. There wasn't one. He was using a twin sized "daybed" as a couch. That was easy to deal with.
OK, I like muscular men, sometimes overly muscular but that is really sickening. That's manipilated. They used the "stretch tool". nobody can possibly look like that, althoug I've seen some body builders who tried to look like that. ICK.
Throw on a clearance priced slipcover and you've got yourself a darn nice couch! LOL
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