Monday, January 26, 2009

Ocean Waves on Grass

This is a picture of my blind friend's lawn on 1-20-09. I sort of like it.

It kind of looks like ocean waves that I photoshopped on the grass.
It's just very minimal snow, a lot of wind and me catching it at the right time.

You may think it sucks, but I don't care.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Taxes and Idiocy

Just got back from having my taxes done. I know I can do it on-line for free. There was too much weirdness this year and I didn't feel like filling out all those boxes and shit.... plus the darned thing always asks about some box that doesn't exist anywhere on any of my forms.

$157.95 to have my taxes done. It was almost worth it, just so I don't have to deal with it. That's ridiculous though.

Walking back from the "famous tax place" **hint**Block**end hint** I figured I'd stop at Mickey D's and get a Happy Meal...

One six piece Mc Nugget Happy Meal and three cheeseburgers please. The guy rings it up... and I think, oh no, wait that's too much money!! Next thing I know there are NINE Happy Meals in front of me. WTF!?!...

So, I'm standing there, not moving.... "Did you need something else?" he asks. I glance over at the managerial person, make eye contact and he comes over... Is there something wrong? "Umm, the nice cashier misunderstood me." and he fixed it.

He also screwed up by giving me 9. I have my receipt. He charged me for 6 children's meals and 3 burgers, so I would have made out I guess. But WTF was I going to do with NINE children's meals? I couldn't carry them all and it's not what I asked for.

I did get a cool windup toy!

It's a penguin riding a surfboard!!!

How cool is that!! (yeah, I know, I'm such a child)

Why am I being followed around by penguins?

Yes. My desk is a mess, get over it!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Goth Kittens?

Ok, I'm kind of into goth. I'm not a"goth", nor would I pretend to be one. I like to look scary and creepy. It keeps people away.

My goatee thing has gotten a bit long. It's scary-ish. I'm wondering if I can grow it into one of those braided freakish things "heavy metal" guys have.... but then nobody would kiss me......

Hmmm. Not like I have to worry about that. Nobody wants to kiss me anyway, if they did I'd have to run away because surely they'd be psychotic or something.

This repulses me. She was selling them on the internet.

This woman should face charges.

The kittens didn't go get it done on their own.

You don't give 14 gauge piercings to freaking kittens.

That's what I have in my eyebrow and one of the holes in my ear. I'm an adult, semi-human individual. I chose to do that to myself. You don't do that to kittens.

Im all for spaying and neutering, in a way that is cruel as well, but that's a good thing.
I'm for CONTROLLED deer and bear hunting... I wish people could be spayed and neutered, en masse, I really do.

DECLAWING..... I'm on the fence about that. (a kittycat would be too) "Tagging" your pet with a "chip" so it can be found if lost... I'm OK with that.

But how the hell is it right to do that shit to the kitten in these pictures? Look at what it's got in the nape of it's neck. That's what's in my ear.

I guess people could make some similar argument about piercing a baby girl's ears. I think that's a tiny bit different. Just a tiny bit. She'll want her ears pierced eventually.... but don't do it.

When she's 14 or whatever... Take your girl (or boy) to a responsible person and have it done.

Link to news story here.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I always think the thing about "african american" names is part stereotype, part urban legend.... you know, like the kid named "Lemonjelo" ( lemon jello ), that sort of thing.

I have met people with very odd names, with odd spellings. So I know that people are strange.... this one takes the cake though.

I have "What Not To Wear" on TV behind me... the poor girl... I'd change my name... I have no idea how she spells it.... I'm guessing the way everyone is pronouncing it. The emphasis is on YOU".

Her name is YOUreen. Youreen? Urine? omg. I'm not kidding you. What the hell kind of name is that?

**searches** Oh my. There are some out there, they're hard to find... but there are some.

My best theory matches this "urban legend":

A young woman brought her daughter into Children's Hospital for a routine check up. On the records, the doctor saw that the child's first name was Urine (pronounced Youreen). Unable to contain her curiosity, the doctor asked the woman how her child came by such a "distinguished sounding" name.

The woman explained, "Well, my baby was born premature and had to stay in the special nursery. She was really sick and they didn't know if she would make it. I hadn't picked a name, but one day I came in and saw that the nurses had already given her one. There was this paper on her incubator that said 'Please save Urine,' so I knew that was the name of my baby."

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Help! Help!

Someone Save Me!!!! Regulus, Rita, Fifi, Anyone! I'm In Horrible Peril!!!!

I'm being chased around a virtual board game by blue penguins!!!!

No, I didn't choose to be that strange creature. The game decided that's what it wanted me to be. Then I got attacked by blue penguins.

*sigh* I can just see the obituary: Bryan's death was unfortunate. He died accidentally when he suddenly encountered a violent band of rare blue penguin bandits. The penguins stole all his virtual keys then escaped into another dimension.