It's quite beautiful isn't it?
I wish my pics came out that well. I'm just using my stupid camera on my phone.
I do get a really good pic now and then, but nothing like this.
You can read her post here.
Read her whole darned blog. She's a wonderful writer.
I think I could fall in love with her.
what are you TALKING about, you ARE in love with me.
aint ya???
I love YOOOOOOU !!!
You aren't Patrick Swayze in a dress! Even that wouldn't work! I don't like men who wear dresses. Not my thing.... You're a girl though....
Maybe after you cover me with blue paint and make me roll on a canvas, perhaps you and I could share a platonic bubblebath in a jacuzzi? Getting drunk and watching dvds? Works for me!
You'd have to take me to a car wash first to hose off the paint.
One obsession at a time, Bryan.
We could hit each other repeatedly on the heads with those giant inflatable hammers. That sounds more our thing.
Though I could probably cope with dvds in a bubble bath. What would we watch, though, is the question?
The inflatable hammer thing might work! ... and tossing soft foam toys at each other. I do get rather silly.
What would we watch? Monty Python? Eddie Izzard? The Aussie version of "American Idol"? I'm pretty flexible.
I hope you're not too close to the fires. How awful. **sigh**
Regulus, I can't help my ADD sort of thing. I know myself and deal with it as best as I can.
Hope you're feeling better.
we could watch the Sound Of Music and turn the sound down and add our own, maybe.
Not the Sound of Music! I've seen that 900 times... Hmmm, I'd be able to sing along and twirl like Julie Andrews but who the heck wants that?
I would like to wear hotpants made of curtains whilst I hit your head with my giant hammer.
and I sing "I am 16 going on 17" rather fetchingly.
Ahhhh!!! There you go! We've got an idea here. Can you wear one of those pointy Madonna style tittie bras as well?
You'd need a riding crop too. We could take it to the stage! Become a worldwide phenomena!
I can't sing tho. We'd need someone to lip-sync to. I want Robbie Williams.
ok, curtain-pants, madonna bra, riding crop...
hey, I can sing. No lip synching for me buddy.
I think we NEED the Julie Andrews twirling that you will be providing. You can HAVE robbie williams as long as there is a blow up version.
Sounds like a hit!
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