Saturday, March 7, 2009

Strange Advertising

Have you ever seen one of those strange advertising campaigns?

The kind that leave you thinking...

What the FUCK was that?

I just did.

I have no idea what the whole point of it was.

It made no sense at all. What the hell?


fifi said...

hmmmm....I wonder what they are selling???

a very pervasive campaign though, i must say.

Bryan said...

It's got to be hair coloring. It's that or they're going to tell us that there's a new cure for psoriasis that causes 50 other health problems.

Anonymous said...

This makes me think of the song, "Everybody Wants You". Unfortunately, this was the best cover of it I could find on utube.

Everybody does want you!

Bryan said...

I like that version of the video! I must look for the real one later today. I need to fall into bed. It's 3:40!

fifi said...

actually, I could do with some hair color.

Bryan said...

Instead of going blue like I did, maybe you could go violet!

Regulus said...

How did you do that? Those are pictures of you, are they not??

Bryan said...

Reulus: Of course it's me silly!! This blog is all about me, meeee, meeeee! after all!!!

How did I do that? I have mad genious computer skills. Did you not know that? I have a screen in the corner of my monitor right now. It's tracking ypor cell phone. You're a little red dot.

No, don't freak out. That ^^^ up there was fiction. I don't have any of those abilities. Somebody probably does though.

I found a silly thing online and stuck my picture into it, that's all. They look pretty darned authentic don't they?