Que Pink Panther music (
Click For Music ) ... DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt... 49 of them. DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt... I didn't actually count, there are supposed to be 50 I think. DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt... The one that's alive doesn't look too well. What do I do with one ant? Dip him in chocolate and eat him? Put him on ice cream with the DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt's and cover them with chocolate sprinkles?
I paid extra for priority shipping plus another 7 bucks for the heat pack thing to keep them happy untill they got here. DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt...
They'll replace the DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt's for free but I still have to pay for shipping and the heat pack. Grrr.
Poor little ant. Stuck there with his dead companions.

In lieu of flowers or monetary contributions please purchase an Ant's In The Pant's game (Milton Bradley TM).
OH NO! I'm glad I went with the plague now.
I'm really sorry but I'm laughing my ass off.
At least you can see the humor in it.right?
DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt, DeadAnt... Hee Hee Hee!!
You've read this steaming pile of shit blog. I do try to amuse myself, couldn't you tell?
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