I just got mine done sooner. The first place wouldn't do it. Copyright infringement they said. They've let me infringe many times before and with less taste and more crudeness than this. It wasn't like I had it as an item for public purchase. I just wanted one for myself. Whatever.
It looks much better than it does in this crap picture. I have since steamed it and it's on a hanger so the wrinkly bits go away. It wasn't even as wrinkly as it looks here. It's an oversize baseball shirt with long black sleeves.
I'll try to get a better picture of me wearing it tomorrow. First I have to find a non-stupid person to take it. It's easy on my phone. "See this red thing? See this? That's camera. It's all this. Press. Look at the screen and aim. Press again when it looks good. Look good? Press again. Press once more.... then see this arrow? Press it twice to store only. Then press the thing again."
Does that sound hard?
**updated 2/20/2002**
"Hey Bryan - you actually wore that shirt to work?" MCM
"That guy has balls. Hey, what kind of reaction did he get???" August Goddess
I sure as hell did wear it to work, does the picture not look like I'm at work? I wore it all day. Everyone thought it was very funny and very "me". That thing around my neck is the lanyard that carries my work ID etc.
So here I am. Proud Father. Isn't she soooo cute!
The girl who took the first two pics said "Oooohhh! You need a baby doll. Doesn't S. collect them? Maybe she has one on her desk. Go ask!"... another partner in crime yelled out "No! Use Zaphod!" So that's what we did.
I know how to get wrinkles out of clothes a cool way that does not involve steaming or ironing & is a godsend on trips. Do you want me to tell you? It's like a Rosicrucian secret
Well, I will if you stop putting my comments up without replying to them. I hate that!
I comment! I do! It's an amazement that I've actually managed to put anything at all on here! It truly was never meant for any sort of public viewing.
...and you really don't need me commenting in your comments. You've seen how I can go on and on and on.
I didn't actually steam it, that just sounded better. I filled up a squirt bottle with very hot water, misted it to death and hung it on a door. I would have taken it in the bathroom and let the steam there do it but I have enough trouble not getting water all over as it is. I didn't want it soaked... and I've gotten products from this place before. Even if you follow their directions to the letter, the clothing isn't "cololfast". I want to wear it once or twice before it's relegated to a bedtime only shirt.
Rosicrucian secret? Ha! Kiss my... umm, ummm, ummmm... I can't think of a good one... Kiss my glowing blue ant farm ok? (it's on it's way)
My Mother is a Member of The Holy Rosicrucian Fellowship. She has a Certificate! She stopped sending contributions years ago... but she has a certiticate!! I'll ask her if you won't tell.
I think I'll take an online course and become a minister next.
Your mother is a Rosicrucian. That's interesting. I had an anut(ha ha freudian slip, there)I mean an aunt that was into that stuff & she WAS a nut. I see the appeal to have some sort of secret key to life or whatever. But, the whole thing is so totally unrealistic IMO. my aunt used to be able to leave her body & float around the room(or so she said)
anyway, this is no secret & it really works.
You already have the squirt bottle. Put about 1 1/2 oz. of liquid fabric softener in it & the rest with water. Mist your clothes with that & give them a shake. hang them & voila! wrinkles disappear. & they smell nice, too.
I don't really want to be annoying.
You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to, of course. you do have comment moderation, so at least if I say something really really stupid,(I do that sometimes, I think I have bloggers Tourettes) you just won't print it.
I'm going to opt for brain food instead of ant farm. although I'd love to have one... I do have a budget.
I'll look at your ants & tell you all about medieval Europe.
That is my creation and anybody who wants to can steal if for their own use - I didn't take the photo of Anna Nicole, of course - just found it online and added the words to it. It's really a simple graphic.
I didn't know you were actually updating your blog?! I'll have to check it out more often. You mind if I link you on my blog - it's the only way I'm reminded to visit blogs.
BTW - get rid of that stupid moderation - who is spamming you?
L>T: You certainly aren't bothering me. Haha! that was a lovely typo I made there 'certiticate'? lmao
My Mother isn't actually 'Roseycruton'. She's really sort of non-demnominational. Like a lot of people she was just curious about the teachings... and she got a 'certiticate' suitable for framing!
My Maternal Grandmother was a Healer. She didn't run around doing it willy nilly and she never charged for it. She never told most people at all. I truly believe she was. I don't know if it was her belief that she could do it or what. I saw her so it and it was exactly like what I felt when she did it to me the first time. Hands out 8 inches from the body but you could feel them, no mater where she moved them to you could feel them.
It always worked on me. "You have a headache don't you? You have a cold?" It always worked. Maybe it was also my belief that she could do it. Spooky stuff.
Maybe you can do guest spots on other people's blogs. A "Helpful Household Hints" sort of thing? :-)
I knew that about the fabric softener darnit. I just forgot. I think I have some liquid. I use dryer sheets though.
Monk: I know you stole the picture silly, that's what I meant.
You can link me if you want. Don't expect much excitement around here though. I barely leave the house.
It wasn't really meant for public consumption to begin with... but it was here and sadly blank for the longest time, so I started sticking crap on it. Then somebody linked me and I thought "What the heck, if any of this dreck makes someone smile or waste a few boring minutes, what the hell."
Comment moderation stays on. I'm not getting spammed and don't want to be. People say some stupid shit they may regret later, this way it doesn't go got to the general public automaticly.
It is annoying though. Why must it email me and tell me I posted? I guess that is a good idea if you get hacked.
Who knew you would have something in common with a "Monk"? Especially that one.
The pictures have a weird sequence... first it's just you & the shirt.
Then it's you, the shirt, hat, & glasses.
Then it's you, shirt, hat, glasses, & alien.
It's like you are being decorated...the next picture would had to of involved a string of lights.
"Lustys Helpful Household Hints" how does that sound? Maybe I could dress up in a french maids uniform, with a feather duster or something?
"certiticate" is good. I could analyze that for you, I'm kinda into freudian symbolism at the moment.
L>T: lol... I tend to have props laying about here and there. Those glasses I stole when I went to the aquarium.
I needed a more "rock and roll" type of hat to go with the metal in my face. I'd normally be wearing a regular baseball cap... but it's been soooo cold! That's a "Disturbed" beanie cap. One of my favorite metal style bands. All the cool kids who really like Disturbed have one. Even if they didn't I wouldn't give a shit. I like it, it's freaky looking and keeps my head warm outside. Works for me.
I take it you've never seen the pic of me wearing the pink afro wig, black feather boa and yellow raincoat? Truly frightening.
Oh Heck! I just thought of it. My Monty Python stuffed Killer Rabbit (with the pionty teeth) would have worked for the baby as well!.... or maybe one of my stuffed Fraggles! (I work in a fairly relaxed enviornment. Do your work, don't cause a ruckus and they sort of overlook other things.)
The fraggles would of been a nice touch!
Hi Bryan ...
I like the sentiment behind the shirt, but I'm not so sure about the image of ANS, though ... is that supposed to be her dead?
It's a cropped version of one of her pinup girl shots.
Who's the cute chick laying on her back?
Bwa! BUZZ is a fagola! I knew it! He caught the gay! That's not a chick!
He get's that all the time though, especailly when people only see him from the back at first... "Excuse me miss." That's my internet buddy Justin. He's a bit androgynous looking. He is very hot.
No, he doesn't dress up as a chick... he certainly could though, but I think he's a bit too masculine to carry it off completely.
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