Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy Birthday...

to me. Almost half a century now. I never thought I'd make it this long. Another year closer to death. I hope it happens soon. I never wanted to be here.

*edit* Somebody pointed out that I should be more precise, that 39 is hardly half a century.*edit*

Well it's near enough as far as I'm concerned and unfortunately not close enough to death.

I took one of those stupid online quizzes. This is how I die.

How will you die?

Another Quiz.

Hahahahahaha.I am not insane! I'm working on it though. I'll let you know before I snap. I promise.

How evil are you?
It was the browser question that made me insane. I was less insane when I told it I used Firefox.

Ha Ha! That's a good one. You'll have to click it to see it clearly.


concerned citizen said...

Good Lord! Don't talk like that!

Anonymous said...
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Arcturus said...

Happy Birthday, Bryan. I hope you feel better this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Ain't gonna happen Arc. I've felt this way all my life. Thanks anyway. :-)

concerned citizen said...

I think you need a diversion.( & no I'm not offering you-know-what :)

A change of scenery, maybe?

A love interest?

A new career?

Birthdays suck.
I hate them my self. The truth is they are only A cruel joke perpetrated on us by God & friends to torment us.
The more we protest the harder they turn the screw. That whole cake & happy birthday ritual is the worst kind of torture...The glee with which friends & family celebrate your impending old age is evil! & they act as if they are Sooo happy for you! & they are happy... happy that you are growing more ugly & wrinkled as time passes.

i hope I've helped you to feel better.

Anonymous said...

I did give myself a diversion. Look at the blog 'tis a teeny bit different.

I also had a change of scenery, I drug myself to the movies. Everything sounded awful. I picked Daredevil. I fell asleep just as it was getting good. No reflection on the movie, it's just how damned tired I always am.

I was going to plan a small trip but I'm a touch agoraphobic, I really don't leave the house much. None of my cohorts has the time to accompany me. There was someone who I could have met up with for a bit, that would have been cool, but they sort of thought I might have more in mind. Can't say I blame them I do get a little intense. Plus they have their own stuf going on. Damned trip probably would have near killed me anyway so I nixed the idea.

A love interest? No hell fucking way. I was with somebody for 10 years. Never again. Ever.

A new career? I think not. Even tho I'm not thrilled w/ my job it's a decent one. Pays quite fairly and isn't too taxing.

Thanks thor the nice thoughts though.

Anonymous said...

Make that GhostRider w/ Nick Cage, not Daredevil.