It was Christmas, cold, a very pregnant momma cat appeared on the porch and wouldn't leave. Holiday season.. she ended up in the house. A week or so after Christmas there were babies under the bed. Peanut Butter, Jelly, Carbon (the element), Boots, Bart. I really wanted to keep Jelly, but she was so adorable she got a home quickly, and you can only have so many. We kept Bart, short for Bartron. Yes, The Simpsons.
I got home from visiting friends last night at about 10:30 and saw him sleeping in the dining room. Awww. Poor old dude. Let him sleep. I didn't turn on the bright lights.
Around 3:15 am I woke up thirsty so I went downstairs to get something out of the fridge. Turn on the lights. He's still sleeping on the dining room floor. He's usually in bed with me by then. "Bart? BartBart? Bart? You OK dude?" He was stiff as a board.
Yes, I did run back to bed and cry like a child. I was not very productive at work today. I did what would fulfill my daily amount and that was it. Finding your little friend of 22 years finally dead is not conducive to sleep or work.
The only health problem he ever had was his cataract. He was old enough when it started to develop that I knew having it fixed would only cause more problems for him with all the tests, poking and prodding. 22 years. I must have done something right.
I knew it was coming. He'd gotten so frail... just like a human does in old age.
Here's Bart's young boyfriend, he's only 12. I ended up with him by accident. Somebody threw him out of a car onto my Aunt's lawn when he was a kitten.
Her husband was alergic to him so he's been here for 12 years.He's missing his friend as well.
I am very sorry for your loss.
Aw sorry. :(
I bet it was a peacful end for the old guy, though.
I'm sorry to hear this, Bryan. I hope you're feeling better.
I'm not exactly feeling better. I knew it was coming soon. He'd gotten so frail in the last 6 months that I was even scared to pet him.. it was so weird, he was all skin and bones.
I'd still do it tho. Purrr, purrr, purrr, and his little feet would start going.
He slept with me saturday night, curled up against my chest as usual. Purrr, purrr, purrr. It wasn't as loud as it should have been.
According to the more reliable seeming pet sites, 22 cat years is equal to about 100 human years.
His life was better than must humans too.
And that's the key point -- you gave Bart a good life, as good as possible, with lots of love and affection and he didn't want for food or shelter or warmth.
This is the part that sucks about having a pet. They always die on you, until the one time you die first -- and then it sorta doesn't matter.
It matters to the people who find your rotting corpse after the *insert pet here* has been devouring your flesh.
bryan! are you up?
OHmy God! what happened to comment Moderation?
Arc thought the moderation was unecessary, and I expect a bit bothersome. I thought maybe he'd be moore likely to stop by if I made it go away.
Now I have to moderate myself. :) But, hey if it gets arc out more I'm all for it!
Hey Bryan, just found your blog through your comment on mine.
I am truly sorry. I have a cat that I adore, and a dog that I love. The dog (yellow lab) just turned 15. I don't want to even think about it.
22 years is a great run together. R.I.P., Bart.
Well, that lasted real long! I'm turning it back on! Having things just appear is freaking me out man!
Joe: Thank you. Long time reader. I enjoy your blog very much Sir.
I feel safer now. This way if I have Blogger Tourettes & say something Reallly stupid, you can save me from myself.
I say things I shouldn't all the time.
I suspect you're quite good at moderating yourself in the places that you really might need to.
Suddenly having comments appear was too weird tho.
Ha! I put my foot in my mouth all the time. Once I got drunk & blogged. the next morning I recalled I had been to someones blog & said fuck a WHOLE bunch, (it seemed like a funny thing to do at the time) For the life of me I could not remember where I'd done it. Thank god it turned out to be someone with a sense of humor.
Anyway, I might want to tell you a secret or something, someday.
Saying fuck isn't exactly a bad thing... well it is and it isn't.
I think you seem like a fuckin' ok person. I think I'd sit and have some tea and fucking scones with you. Did they keep Sanjy on that fuck'en Idol show? Do you foooking know?
See? All that fucking shit is perfectly acceptable to me. :- )
Fuck'n A!
I don't watch TV much. My favorite TV is Book TV that takes over C-span on the week-ends. If you haven't seen It they do book reveiws(non-fiction) with the authors. The topics are really diverse & interesting.
I've never watched that Idol show all the way through. It seems I'm the only one who hasn't.
Ah that sucks - sorry.
I made another t-shirt graphic, this one is for Wrestlemania.
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