A very obnoxious man did many things he should not have within five minutes. Please forgive the language. This is a c/p from when I first wrote about it right after.
I'm sitting there eating my nasty breakfast burrito and undercooked hash brown. People watching. What else does one do? This dork pulls right up to the door. Runs in, buts in front of everyone (an elderly couple as well) to place his order then runs back to his car to get money... comes back, doesn't have enough, runs back to his car for more cash. Pays and he goes to get his condiments, leaving his breakfast at the register...
I'm done eating by then, dispose of my trash... so I walk up to him and go "Who the hell are you that you think it's right to illegally park and jump the line like that? Look as all this ice and snow, I hope somebody rear end's your car."
Then he punched me in the head. "Who the fuck are you tough guy? You wanna take me on? Come on bitch!" (some punch that was Mosquito Man) The girls behind the counter yelled for the manager to call the cops...
I laughed at him. "Fucking ginnie (spelling?) tough guy wanna be. I don't need to mess with you, you'll get hurt." I pushed him out of the way and walked past him. He was so shocked and angry when I laughed and shoved him aside like I did. He did almost fall over. lol! He practically turned purple!!!
He's not used to people not putting up with his shit. I should have knocked him down, verbally berated and taunted him as he lay there. Possibly kicked him a few times...
He's the kind that's used to getting his way just on the attitude.... He turns it on and everyone backs off. He's gonna do that shit to the wrong person one day. They're not gonna fall for it and he's gonna get the smackdown he deserves (I hope).
Even though he was bigger, younger (32?) and more fit than me I could have taken him down no problem. How sad is that? I realy wanted to at least knock his legs out from under him. Asshole. I didn't think fighting in Mickey D's at 7:30 am was a good idea though.
All the way home I was waiting to hear tires squeal and get run over by him. lol
Nobody has the right to act like him. I only had a five minute encounter with him (the "fight" part was only a minute, if that) but I know he's got to be like that all the time. He cut in front of everyone at the counter including an elderly couple with walkers. Ummm. Hello. This old couple with fucking walkers made it there in ice and snow to get their breakfast and you're to good to wait in a line? He was practiclly parked ON the sidewalk in front of the door.
[We didn't actually have any snow. It was nothing but sleet all day so the next morning we had nothing but ice. I spent half an hour chopping up ice on my tiny bit if sidewalk.]
Seriously, any one of you would have wanted to hit that asshole. I don't always wear gold shiny Elvis jackets. Do I look like a dude you wanna mess with? I think not. Actually I'm pretty darned nice, even if a little scary at first. lol
**adds comment** That picture is on the brief train/light rail ride home after visiting friends. I found my cat Bart had died about six hours later.
good for you. Hopefully he'll think twice next time he acts like that. I esp. hate when people are rude to old people.
To often most of us tolerate that kind of rude behavior.
I'm not sure that was the best thing to do, Bryan. He didn't actually commit any aggressive act against anyone prior to your saying anything to him -- except you in a gross over-reaction on his part.
As it is, I would have had his fucking ass arrested for assault and battery. He could show off to the police.
Trouble is, you don't know what kind of weapon or anything he could have had on him.
More to the point, why are you eating McDonalds food -- it takes years off your life!
Why do you think I shoved him aside like and walked out like I did? Technically I started the whole little incident by verbally "assaulting" him.
Who is a court going to believe in the end? Someone like me... or some fucktard like him that shows up with Daddy's lawyer by his side.
He got what he needed from me, a healthy dose of embarrassment as he franticlly grabbed at the drink kiosk. He'll forget it all too soon I'm sure.
I hope next time it's some petite 5' 2" girl who takes him on, that she beats the crap out of him and gets away with it.
McDonalds food.. it takes years off your life? It does? Really? When did you learn that Sherlock? :- )
Perhaps I neet to eat their food more frequently then.
McD's is the poisonous breakfast of chioice for me. If I'm having carcinogenic burgers it has to be BK or Wendys.
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