Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Seussonian Moment

I like hats
They are better
Than dead cats

You can wear them here or there
While singing in your underwear!

Hats are great
Hats are neat
Try and perch one on your feet

You can wear them on the loo
You could wear one while you poo

You can wear one for an hour
You might wear one in the shower

Hats are sweet
Hats are fun

Wear a habit like a nun,
While you eat a Cinnibun

Try it, try it
you will see
You can wear one just like me!


DJ MotorCityMonk said...

That's good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Obviously I went mental a long time ago. :- )

It amused me and that's what counts.

Arcturus said...

You lost me in terms of being wowed by genius and creativity of it with the 'on the loo ... while you poo' lines. Seems an odd Suessonian kind of moment.

Anonymous said...

*looks in disbelief! Arc stopped by? Twice in a week?!?*

If you go back and read some Suess some of it was quite odd. It wasn't all childern's stories.

There was quite a bit of social and political commentatry thrown in.

Besides, do you truly expect anything even remotely assosiated with me not to have at least a bit of oddness about it? :- )