Sunday, May 6, 2007

Hey! Where's the check? Who paid this time?

Check? Did you see a check?

I didn't see one, did you?

No, I didn't see one. That's just crazy talk.


He knew it was me again. I had it all planned out... the owner had my credit card, the bill was never supposed to appear.

It didn't, but near the end of the meal the waitress mentioned that the owner had to ask me something. How stupid is that? She could have just stood behind my Uncle and motioned at me. The plan was that I'd wander off to the bathroom and sign the slip on the way.

He knew what was up immediately. He's blind not deaf and he isn't stupid.


Bryan! Did you pay again? Can't I pay?

I didn't see a bill, did you see one ****?

No! There Wasn't One!

Come on guys, I feel bad. Who paid?

Dude, you're not paying!


She wasn't very subtle was she? She spoiled my whole evil plan. He is not buying us dinner. We take him out to dinner it's on my tab.

**note** The portions are rather large, but the pics make all the food look grotesque. Each meal can easily feed two people (we always take the leftovers home), that's why he likes to go there, his meal can turn into two or three. He has leftovers, I now have a yummy lunch and my Sister does too!

The beer is mine. He's eating rainbow sherbert for dessert... we had rice pudding. I should have taken a picture of that, I bet that would look really gross.

He's not really supposed to have that, there's way too much sugar. He knows how to balance what he eats though.


I forgot to tip the waitress. It usually gets added to the bill, but that's only if you want to give a tip. It's not automatic. I had my Stster stop before she dropped me off at home to say thank you, whoops! sorry, I forgot... but her shift was over.

I don't know how the staff splits the tips there, do they split them? Next time she get's double, slipped to her discreetly, in cash. That way she gets to keep it for herself. She is rather nice and quite attentive.


Next mission: Go look through all my DVDs and find the two he want's to see. I know I have them, finding them is the problem. Hell, I'll buy new ones if I have to.

He'd like to see the new Spiderman movie too. That'll have to wait unill the Spiderman furor dies down though. I gotta take him to that. He can actually see it if it's on a screen that size.


concerned citizen said...

but this other dude means so much more to me than anybody from the internet. *:(

What the heck? Are you eating whole chickens or something?

*:) really, I'm happy for yA.

Anonymous said...

My Sister's dinner scared all of us when it came. It didn't taste bad. It was a flat sort of boneless squished 1/2 chicken... and it was huge!

concerned citizen said...

I bet you guys are a riot. :)

I just made myself lunch. Stir fried fresh clams,(out of the local bay) vegetables, and tempeh, seasoned with fish sauce & sea vegetable(wakame). How does that sound?

Anonymous said...

I'm not big on seafood, or even just plain regular fish.

Love shrimp, fish when it's done right.. not stinky nasty fish. I can even do raw (!) clams on the 1/2 shell. It just can't be nasty seafood.

I'd at least try what you just made.

concerned citizen said...

I think the diff. is what we use is always fresh & cooked properly. Fish is very easy to cook, but way diff. then cooking red meat for instance. Restaurants are bad places to get fish or seafood usually.

Of course this is only my opinion.

concerned citizen said...

listen to me. I'm assuming you don't know how to cook. Sorry about that. Maybe you like to cook?

Do you realize the sidewalk ants are starting to scurry about?

Anonymous said...

I'm not even remotely caring about the ants right now. I did wish I had a dustpan, a whisk broom and a ziploc baggie the other day though. Ants all over the place. Could have filled the ant farm w/ no problem.

They'll be doing the colony thing again soon I'm sure. Ahhhh!!! Ants with wings! It kind of freaked me out the first time I saw that.