I haven't ridden a bike in ages. 8 years I think. I'm so darned sore.
I have a bike in my Dad's shed, I asked him to extract it from there 5 years ago. That never happened. It probably needs all new parts anyway... so I got myself a new one.
You really can't find a normal bike anymore, they have insane spring shocks all over the bike, and none of the gear shift levers make any sense at all. This one is kind of normal.
I had to take it on the bus to get it home. (I now know how the bike racks on the front of our city buses work, a very nice bus driver showed me. I've had it on and off the bus a few times) Since I was on the bus anyway I went to visit my Uncle... long ride. (I swear, I rode about 20 miles on city buses Monday, not kidding)
I called him from his front porch, no answer... so I tried the door... and the cat attacked me! Shhhhh!!! Quiet Oreo! He's sleeping! (This is the fattest and meanest cat I have ever had the pleasure to meet)... so I snuck out quietly, looked at my bus schedule hopped on the bike and headed off.
I get to the next place I know a bus will stop, in front of a church, plop myself on the grass and look at my cell for the time... New Message. Press, press, press. "Hi, just calling you back.".... Press, press, press....
"I'm at the bus stop. I was just in your house! Oreo attacked me! She knew I didn't belong there." Did she bite you? "No, I have my skateboarder sneaks and my jeans on, she'd have a hard time getting thru those." I thought I heard you come in but I was asleep and then I played the machine so I wasn't sure If I was dreaming or what.
Had to hang up, you can't easily attach your bike to a bus and talk on the cell. Arcturus called soon after I got home and was done dragging the bike into my kitchen. It's always nice to talk to Arc.
This bike has gotten quite a work out in the past few days. So have I. The seat pops off easily so I brought that in after I locked it up outside of work this morning. Wanna take a seat? lol
Ok, that's enough wordage.
I do love him very much. If I could only just screw him back together so all his parts worked..
Cool bike!
You're quite the city dweller navigating around with a bus and your bike.
Just be careful on this bike. The last time you bought a contraption, that electric bike thing, it didn't end so well.
Yes, nice talking to you, too.
What are you doing in that picture?
This is a regular normal bike Arc, I'm perfectly capable of riding one of those. That scooter was a poorly designed death machine.
That's not me in the pic. That's my Uncle perusing the diner menu with his pocket magnifier. (He leaves the really good expensive one at home). He's not completely blind in his one good eye (one is glass), but even with the really good magnifier he can only read one letter at a time.
It's so awful. He's not supposed to be so ill and almost sightless. He's supposed to be teasing the shit out of me like when we were kids.
Want a scary story? Call me, I'll tell you about his one laser eye surgery.
Like arc, I saw the bike & had visions of your bruised contenance.
That looks like a bike to be reckless on. pleeease be careful.
you talk about him with us. The question is do you talk about us with him?
Trust me, we will not have a repeat of the scooter fiasco. Yeah, it's a "mountain bike", that doesn't mean I'm gonna try and ride down one.
I did toy with the idea of adding some sort of wheeled thing to it that I could tow my Uncle around in. lol
Not a good idea. I'd have a heart attack. The blind dude would be stuck with his dead Nephew on a sidewalk somewhere. No, not good.
I've been riding it on the sidewalk in "high traffic" areas. No way I'm riding it in city traffic at rush hour.
do you talk about us with him? Ummm, no. He really doesn't need to know how odd I am... but I don't think it would really phase him. I'm the same person I always was, just in slightly different packaging.
He does know I've taken his picture and posted it on the net. You can't really see him in those anyway, and they aren't unflattering.. he looks like he might be cute no?
I'm gonna hop a bus with my bike and go see him tomorrow. I have those 2 movies he never got to see... and I got him a pair of cargo pants!
He can kind of see his big tv. Sort of.
He wanted some cargo pants but can never find his size. (hello! somebody give the blind dude some help.) He needs to have certain things close at hand so all those pockets might work.
ha ha I just kinda got a humorous picture of you riding down the sidewalk on your mountain bike. ;)
could he be cute? possibliy The top of his head seems quite normal.
I used to work for a lady that became blind in her 6o's. It was the mundane things that would stymie her. She was forever losing her car keys. she'd put them down on the counter & spend an hour looking for them.
The sidewalks I need to use are void of pedestrians so I can pretty much zoom along my merry way.
The top of his head seems quite normal. Ha ha ha! He's a good looking guy, even after all these years.
Hmmm... losing things, he loses things all the time apparently. It's not his fault though, somebody else moves something and then he can't find it.
I misplaced my phone. I just had to call it so I could find it.
I need a nap now.
My kids lose their stuff all the time...
It's different with my Uncle tho Monk. He can't freaking see. You don't take the blind dude's ashtray from the spot it lives in, carry it halfway across the house and leave it on the piano! Why don't they realize this?
Today was awful. I am soooo glad I was there though, he had a pair of working eyes to watch what the others were doing. It was total chaos.
I just really can't explain it.
you must be tired. The car keys was a joke. blind lady/car keys?
I did work for a blind lady though.
I finally done did it and gots me a blog.
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